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I landed hard on my knees, but on soft grass. I looked around- we were in Greenwich Park, that was for sure, and a couple of people had turned to look at me kneeling on the floor. I wondered if they'd seen Haydn and I appear out of nowhere. It was busy, that was for sure- people were here eating, taking pictures, relaxing, walking. But then, Haydn seemed to let lose this black smokey stuff from his hands. I'd seen it before, when Ronan had hypnotised Peter, but Haydn's seemed to be on a much larger scale.

The black smokey stuff seemed to spread everywhere, all over the park in every direction, and immediately everyone stopped doing what they were doing. They stopped eating, walking and talking, and for a moment, just stood there. Staring with empty eyes. Then, everyone began to walk away. They all exited the park, silently, before Haydn and I were left alone.

"It's amazing what a little hypnosis can do to people." He said, pride written all over him. "Did you know that a Dreamwalker draws their power from the darkness? I bet Ronan never told you that."

I frowned, although it kinda made sense, what with the dark smokey stuff he used to hypnotise and teleport. I guess the thought just never occurred to me. "That's nice." I said.

Haydn shrugged, looking a little disappointed for a second. "I thought you'd react a little more than that. Oh well." He clapped his hands together and rubbed them eagerly. "Let's get down to business!" He sounded excited, and unfortunately I knew precisely why he would be. I mean, this was his big day. This is the day when he'd get what he was supposed to get decades ago.

"I guess I should probably explain exactly how you've come to be in this position." Haydn said, crouching down to me. I was still sitting on the floor. "Well, let me tell you. You see, about ten years ago, I'd heard rumours about an ancient incantation that would grant someone the power to wield the darkness and the light. Obviously, nobody had seen it, and very few people had even heard the rumours before. So, I set myself on a quest to find this incantation, not really knowing whether it was real, or what it was even written on. A scroll, perhaps? A notepad? A gravestone?

"I travelled all over the world." Haydn continued. "Spain, Italy, Greece- you name it. Until I landed in Egypt. The moment I got there, I realised that actually this would be an obvious place to have it. What with the ancient tombs and beliefs they had about gods and goddesses. But the issue was, I couldn't read the hieroglyphs that decorated the tombs. I wouldn't even have any idea if the writing was spelling out a maths equation or if it was the incantation I was searching for.

"As you already know, Millie, I killed my Dreamwalker." He said, not sounding too apologetic. "He was pretty useless, to be honest, and at the time I didn't actually know I'd inherit his powers. That was a rumour I'd never heard before. But, I suppose I got lucky on that front. I decided to kill him with my Black Prometheum, seeing as he'd been the one to give it to me." With that, I could see Haydn begin to summon his Black Prometheum. It took the shape of a long sword, beautiful in its own right. Perfectly crafted, with runes decorating the blade right up to the tip. As Haydn held it, it glowed between a brilliant red and a vibrant yellow.

"Beautiful, is it not?" He said, tracing his finger gently up the edge of the blade. He then swung it round, showing off his mastery of sword wielding. I had no doubt that he would win against anyone in a sword fight, with decades of practice behind him.

"But, as I was saying." He continued. "I killed him, and was quite shocked to have inherited his powers. But it only gave me the skills I needed to obtain the incantation. I hired the best hieroglyphist I could find, and asked him to translate a number of artefacts I'd found, but none even mentioned the word darkness. I nearly gave up, but it just so happened that locals had told me of an unexplored underground cavern. There were many myths surrounding the underground cave, including ones about curses and gods and magic. And I realised, when I got there, why it had been unexplored. There was a heaviness in the air as I got closer and closer, like a warning. Alarm bells were ringing in my mind, to get away, to turn back. But this would be my only chance. So, ignoring the fire in my brain, I forced my way down.

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