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"Hey, Millie." Jake said as I walked into the flat. "Long time no see."

I smiled. "Yeah, been really busy with uni." I lied.

"You're okay, though?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, everything is good."

"Good." He said, and then frowned. "You look different."

"I do?" I asked, well aware of my drastic eye colour change and the fact that Jake was quite observant when it came to small things like that.

"Hmm. Yeah." He said. "You just... I don't know." He rubbed his chin as Andy and Tom rounded the corner. "Hey, guys." Jake said. "Don't you think Millie looks different?"

Tom and Andy stopped, and looked. "Not really." Tom said.

Andy shrugged.

"Are you wearing makeup?" Jake suddenly said.

I laughed, almost out of relief. "Yes." I said.

"It makes your eyes pop." Tom said.

Jake narrowed his eyes again. "You have heterochromia?"

Why did I think that he might not notice? "Yeah." I said.

"I never realised." Jake said, and that was it. Mentally, I sighed with relief that he didn't say anymore about it. I guess it wouldn't occur to him that my eye suddenly changed colour. I mean, when does that ever happen outside of movies and story books.

"Are you done pointing out my imperfections?" I laughed.

Jake smiled. "Sorry."

I checked the time and realised it wouldn't be long before it was time to go bowling. I went back to my room and tidied myself up a bit, brushing my hair and changing my jumper to something a little nicer. I put my shoes on, and locked my room.

"Going somewhere?" Andy asked, poking his head into the hall.

"Just bowling with a few friends." I said.

"Without us?" Jake said. "How dare you."

I just laughed. "See you later." I said, and left the flat.

Kate was already waiting outside when I got there, but no one else had arrived yet.

"Hey, Mills." She said. "You ready for some bowling?" She rubbed her hands together eagerly.

I grinned. "Yeah! Although I haven't done it in years, so I might be a bit shit."

"Oh, same girl." She said. "Sunny said one of her friends is like a pro at bowling, so we should probably get on a team with whoever that is."

I laughed. "Good plan."

With that, Sunny came round the corner with six other people. Four boys and two girls.

"Hey!" Sunny exclaimed, seeing Kate and I. I smiled at the group of people although I didn't know who they were. "Okay." Sunny began. "Guys, this is Millie and Kate." She said to her group. Then, turned back to Kate and I. "This is Ryan, Eileen, Nina, James, Ali and Shaks."

Sunny pointed to the individuals of the group. Ryan had a head of dark, frizzy hair, was a little taller than I was and wore a brown leather jacket that was a size too big. Eileen looked like she was from Thailand- she had straight, black hair and wore a bright green puffer jacket that suited her well. I didn't miss her holding hands with Ryan- so I assumed they were dating. Nina was on the petite side, and had dark hair with purple highlights and square, wire-framed glasses. James looked pretty chill, like the kind of guy that was always good with everything, and had short, light brown hair. Ali was dark featured with square glasses and purposefully shaved stubble that wasn't too different from Tony Stark's. Finally, Shaks looked to be the kind of guy who always wore some kind of suit and had his hair smartly gelled back, whatever the occassion.

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