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The man didn't look the same this time. Before, he just looked like a regular guy, but this time he seemed different. It was his eyes- one of them was glowing. The silver one. He was still stood over the other side of the road, staring at me as I walked out of my accommodation to go to uni. I stopped on the edge of the pavement, and stared back.

No one else seemed to notice the dark man on the street. No one else seemed to notice that one of his eyes was glowing an unnatural, metallic silver. Only I did.

Once again, I found that I could not cross the road. I remembered earlier that I confronted him, and spoke to him. But then he'd vanished, right before my eyes. Why was it that in my dreams, he wouldn't let me near him?

"Why are you here?" I called across the street.

He smiled a little. "It could only be you." He said, as if he'd completely misunderstood my question. Even though he was standing a fair distance away, I could hear his voice loud in my ear.

Immediately I was transported back to that night- the night where the man stabbed me. I was getting out the Uber with Jake, Tom and Andy, and trying to get a look at the deluded man with the knife. But that wasn't who I was focused on this time. I looked past the man with the knife, and lurking in the shadows was the dark man. He was standing there, calm, with his hands in his pocket. I could see his silver eye from here. Somehow, I knew that he was controlling the homeless man. I knew then that he'd given him the knife. The strange knife with the strange markings on it.

The homeless man came running at me then, and so I ran in the opposite direction, before he quickly caught up. He forced the knife straight into my back, but it didn't hurt. I was able to turn around and see him pull the knife out, and put it through his own stomach.

"It could only be you." The homeless man said, before collapsing onto the floor.

Behind him, the dark man was watching. The man with the silver eye was watching contently, as my own body fell to the floor, blood pooling around me.


I woke with a start, nearly falling out of bed. I was sweating, and breathing heavily- I quickly put my slippers on and walked to the kitchen to go and stand on the balcony. It was bitter outside- the weather had suddenly decided to fold over night, going from letting us think Spring was on the way to dark clouds and chances of heavy rain. However, I allowed the cold air to wash over me, to cool my damp skin.

When I returned to my room, I realised my meeting with David was due to start in about half an hour. I quickly hopped into the shower, got dressed, and grabbed a bite to eat, before making my way downstairs to meet Kate. She was stood on her phone, and looked up when she saw me.

"Hey." She said. "You alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah, good. You?"

"I'm okay." She paused for a moment. "What happened yesterday?" She asked.

For a moment, I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that. But, then I remembered passing out in front of Peter. I'd completely forgotten about it.

"Oh." I said. "It was nothing."

"Nothing?" Kate questioned. "So you didn't pass out?"

I shrugged. "Well, I did." I said.

"How is that nothing?" She exclaimed.

I shrugged again. "I'm okay."

"Was it because of the accident?" She asked. "Because you hit your head, didn't you?" She pointed at the spot above my eyebrow, which was still healing.

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