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Beep... beep... beep...

The beeping sound was annoying, to say the least. My eyes were closed, but I was awake, as it continued to beep.

Beep... beep... beep...

I decided then to see what the noise was, and when I opened my eyes, everything was white and bright. Then, individual objects started to come into focus. The yellow light above my head, buzzing with electricity. The fact that I was laying on a white, single bed, not in my room or anywhere I recognised.

Then, a person to my left.

"David?" I asked, before his face finally came into focus. I realised then that I was in a hospital, the curtain having been pulled round my bed.

"Hey, Millie. You okay?" He asked, smiling.

I ached all over, pain throbbing in every part of my body. "Did we win?" I asked.

David grinned. "We did." He said.

I smiled at that, relief flooding me. Then, I frowned. "Why am I in a hospital?"

"You were so badly beat up, I thought it would be wise to get you professional medical help." He said. "Not to mention the fact that you would need a story to explain that face."

He had a point.

"What's the story, then?" I asked.

"You were confronted by a gang. Beaten up. Then, Ronan and I found you unconscious. The reasoning behind your attack is up to you."

"Are the others okay?" I asked.

David nodded. "They're okay."

With that, I was surprised to see my mum come round the curtain with two cups of tea in her hands. She gasped, and smiled when she saw me awake. "Oh, Millie!" She exclaimed, putting the tea down. She then couldn't help herself as she wrapped her arms around me. It hurt, but I didn't care. I was happy to see her. "Why do you keep ending up here?" She asked, sighing.

"Sorry." I said, and laughed. "Where's dad?"

"Sorry, sweet, he had to work. I came as soon as I heard. Luckily David here and his friend found you." She handed him the other cup of tea, and he nodded in thanks. I assumed the friend was Ronan, and also assumed that Stella had gone back home. I mean, she had a family to assure she was okay, and if my mum saw her, I'm not so sure she'd have a decent excuse as to why she was there.

"Ah, that's okay." I said, and with that, a police officer came round the curtain. A woman, different from the last time I'd laid in a hospital bed explaining what happened. That seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Are you okay to talk, Millie?" She asked, her brown hair tied back in a tidy bun. She was tall, and her radio was crackling on her vest. She looked nice enough.

I nodded. "Yeah." I said.

"Do you mind if we have the room?" The woman asked, looking at my mum and David.

They both just got up and left, and the woman came and sat down next to me. "My name is Lara. I'm just here to get your story about your ordeal in Greenwich Park today." She looked at me then, and I noticed her unusual eye colour combination- one eye was pale grey, almost silver, and the other a dark brown with flecks of red and orange I didn't miss.

"Which story?" I asked. "The actual one, or the one you need to take back to the station?"

She smirked a bit then. "I guess the eyes are a bit of a giveaway." She said, and then lowered her voice. "Is it true that you killed Haydn? Like, the Haydn?"

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