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I went and took my usual seat next to Kate in the lecture theatre. I hadn't seen Peter since the incident in David's office, as I'd tried to avoid him at all costs despite the fact that I knew he wouldn't remember what happened.

"How have you been?" Kate asked.

"Not too bad, thanks." I said, truthfully.

"You're still meeting with David?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Although now I feel like our meetings are just talking and not really based on the accident any more." I mean, I wasn't lying.

"Well, that's good!" She exclaimed, just as Sunny came and took a seat next to us. Shaks was with her, who just gave me a sly look as he sat down- I guess he still wasn't over the whole arm wrestle thing.

"Hey guys." She said.

"Hey." Kate and I said in unison.

As we got our notepads and pens out, Peter walked in and made his way to the front of the lecture hall. He began to speak, getting straight into it with no messing about. Throughout the lecture, Peter made eye contact with me on a number of occasions looking ever so slightly confused. He looked like he was trying to remember something, but clearly something was blocking that part of his mind. It was as if he was supposed to tell me something, but he couldn't quite remember what. I could tell it was bugging him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"You guys wanna come to the cinema later?" Sunny whispered as Peter spoke.

"Yeah, sounds good!" Kate said quietly. "What time?"

"Nine thirty." Sunny replied.

"You coming, Millie?" Kate asked.

I thought about it. "Yeah, why not." I said.

"Cool." Sunny said, before we all turned our attention back to Peter.

Peter finished the lecture early, and we were just packing away our things when a man walked in. I recognised him instantly- dark hair, and strange yellow and silver heterochromia eyes that I could see from here. I just stared as he walked up to Peter, shocked that he was even here. The only time I'd seen him was in a window reflection, and a stairwell when the power went out in the big storm going back. I'd been thinking that perhaps I'd imagined him, but there he stood.

He looked up at me, smirked, and then acted like he hadn't just looked at me.

Peter looked up at the man. Everyone else was beginning to leave the lecture theatre, ignoring the fact that this guy had walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt." The yellow eyed man said to Peter. He was talking quietly, but I could hear him loud and clear.

"Who's mister hottie at the front?" Kate whispered to me, and giggled.

I looked at her. "Who, him?" I motioned to the man.

"Yeah." She said, biting her lip. "He is hot."

"No he's not." I said, despite knowing that he was good looking. He'd traded the leather jacket for a blazer suit and a waistcoat, which only flattered his physique even more.

Kate just frowned at me.

"I'm new here." The man continued to tell Peter.

"Peter." Peter said, introducing himself and shaking his hand. "How can I help?"

"I was actually sent here to meet a new student of mine, but I don't know who she is. Her name is Millie?"

My heart sank to my feet, because I knew this man was certainly not new here. I knew he didn't even work here, and that he was bad news.

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