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By the time I'd woken up, mum and dad had already left for work. I got up and started making breakfast when Ronan appeared in my kitchen. I had to say, I was definitely getting used to him appearing out of nowhere.

"Morning." I said, sitting down with a bowl of cereal.

"And to you." He said, having a nosy look through the cupboards. "So this is home?"

"Yep." I said.

"You up for some training today?"

I nodded, knowing training was probably the best thing for me right now. "Yeah, sounds good! There's a field behind my house we can use."

"Excellent. I'll meet you there in thirty minutes." He said, and vanished.


I made my way out the back gate and down the bridle path that ran past the back of my garden, eventually ending up in a large field that I'd walked through so many times in my life. You could see the rest of the village down below from here, as the field was set on a steep slope. At the top, there was a big log that acted as a bench for people to sit on.

Ronan was sat on the log when I arrived, and stood up as I came through the gate.

"So." He began. "I think, to begin, we should start off with you getting to grips with your element. You know, figure out what triggers it and how you can use it in different ways."

"Okay." I said, nodding. We walked over to the centre of the field, and stood opposite each other.

"Are you able to summon your element yet?" Ronan asked.

"I, uh... I've done it a couple of times."

"Show me." He said, his hands behind his back.

I began to feel the pressure then, having been put on the spot. Even though it was just me and him, I still didn't want to look like an idiot.

Okay, I thought to myself, and tried to relax. I tried to think about the ice, remembering it coming from my hands the other day when I nearly got hit by a bike, and on the balcony.

Nothing was happening.

"You're thinking too much." Ronan said.

I looked up at him. "As opposed to not thinking at all?"

"Not exactly, but thereabouts. It's less about thinking and more about feeling. Feel the element inside you, connect with it, and then bring it out. It's yours. You just need to know it."

I understood, and nodded. I then took another breath, and like before, I thought about the balcony and the ice. However, I also remembered how it felt. The coolness of it as it washed over my skin. The feeling it gave me inside. The connection we had.

Then, I felt it again. I could feel the ice running through me. My thoughts flickered back to the dream I had when I passed out the other day, at how the ice called to me without words. I held out my hand, palm facing upwards, and watched in awe as the ice began to accumulate there, floating an inch above my skin. It swirled upwards, taking the shape of what my mind was imagining as I felt the connection to it. It was mine to control.

The icicle dropped into my hand, and I held it up to Ronan triumphantly. "Ta dah!" I smiled.

"Very good." He said, a little smirk on his face. "Now I want you to do something bigger."

"Bigger?" I asked. "Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know." He thought for a moment. "Imagine a situation where a bad guy is running away from you, and you need to stop them. What are you gonna do?"

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