Chapter 4

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Min Soo's POV

Its been two years and I am currently studying in a university as a medical student. I am still a topper in my class but I do not have any friends. I am just a nerd sitting in the corner of the class.

I've also lost my contact with Taehyung. I am very lonely but I kill time by studying or reading novels.

It was a Saturday today so my aunt was going for grocery shopping. When she was about to leave I asked-

"Eemo, could I accompany you to the grocery." She nodded a yes.

I immediatly changed and came down. Then we left home and I insisted on driving. Obviously I have a driving liscence because I'm 20 now.

We reached the grocery and I parked the car. We were just walking around and selecting things we wanted. Then my aunt leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Min Soo-ah, a boy is staring at you. Look if you know him?"

I turned my head towards the direction and saw a very similar face. It was Taehyung!

He had become more handsome

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He had become more handsome. He waved his hand to me and put on his signature rectangular smile. I assured my aunt that we knew each other as we were in the same class in highschool. She greeted him and he greeted back. My aunt went on to resume her shopping leaving me behind with Taehyung

I asked him out of curiousity, "So.....Tae, What are you studying?" What kind of stupid question are you asking Min Soo. You sound like an annoying aunty shooting questions at an innocent kid. He's your friend, stupid Min Soo!

He smiled and answered, " I am currently studying Arts as I'm more intrested in music and dance."

"So are you... umm.. still are an... an outcast, like you know-?"I asked rubbing the back of my neck as it was the most stupid question a person would ask her friend at a reunion after long time. I know I'm very stupid!

He laughed and said, "No no no! You won't belive me but I have a lot of friends, exactly umm.. six?! In fact two of them are from our class at high school... I dont know if you remember them.How about you?! Do you have friends?"

"No... just as usual..... the boring nerd......" I said hesitantly

He continued, "Hey! Min Soo-ah, me and my friends are going for trecking at Jirisan the day after tomorrow. Would you like to join us?!"

I thought for a while and answered, " B-but I have my uni going on...." He immediatly pouted his lips and began to plead, "Its just a matter of four days." He was too cute to resist so I said-

"Arraseo! I'll think about it..." He became happy and continued-

"Arraseo! So you ARE coming! I'll send you the link about the registeration and more"

I agreed with a nod without any choice.

Then we parted ways there. I was happy seeing Taehyung after a long time. But he didn't seem sooo surprised seeing me. Hmm... Thats weird. He behaved as if we knew each other all this time. He didn't even ask me about where I was studying. But he asked if I had friends..

Isn't that weird? But as much as I know Tae, he was always weird.

*Smiles to herself as memories of his wierdness flashes through her head.*

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