What Happened?

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     I was engulfed in a thick mist.  Sprawled very ungracefully across a hard patch of sand, reality hit me like a truck.  My eyes flickered open to reveal a dark beach, the sun barely penetrating the surrounding clouds.  Blink.  "What..."

     My voice cracked, still pained from the saltwater.  I scanned the beach for any sign of life.  As my eyes met nothing, panic consumed me.  Fuck.. Fuck... Fuck...

     We should be in Tokyo by now, sitting in a motel lobby staring at our phones.  Enjoying a stupid free trip for a stupid class we all barely attempted to pass.  

     My hair was a damp mess, tangled and stuck to everything.  Surprisingly my clothes had survived what ever adventure my unconscious body had gone through to get to this island.   My head was on fire.  My shoes were long gone.  I need water.  

     "H-  Hello?"  I called out.

     "MOLLY!"  I heard a voice.  Sigh.  Thank the gods.

     "Where are you? "  My brain was still not alert enough to detect whose voice it was, but I did not care.  I couldn't be alone another second.  

     "That's a problem.."  It was definitely Jack.  Instantly I ran to the voice with the little energy I had.

     Two tall figures came into view.  Never had I been so excited to see people.  The same must have been for them, because the two standing together never were together.  Jack and Anthony were polar opposites, besides their shared height.  

     Jack was an AP student, with an IQ in the 200's.  Anthony cared little for school, but could mad shred at the skate park.  Jack had short black hair, Anthony's was blond and shaggy.  Both however were athletic.  A definite plus for survival.  

     "What the fuck is going on?"  I asked.  

     "All of us were asleep on the plane, and now we're on an island..."  Anthony answered.  He blew a strand of hair from his blue eyes in frustration.  

     "Oh my God..."  I took a deep breath.  Think, Molly, Think.

     My memory flashed me back to the plane.  I was sat next to Riley, who had been sleeping since the minute we got our seats.   Nine hours into our eleven hour flight and my legs had died.  I turned down my music before checking the cabin.  Everyone was asleep and my time was now.  

     I pulled my small tan purse from the back of the seat pouch and squeezed pass Riley.  As quietly as possible I made my way to the tiny plane bathroom.  Once safely behind the closed door, I pulled out a fat DOINK.  Another second later I felt around for the lighter I had hidden behind the mirror and disabled the smoke alarm.  

     My smoke session was short, but very much needed.  As the hot boxed room cleared I locked eyes with my reflecting bloodshot blue eyes.  I pulled my brown bangs down to cover as much of my eyes as possible.  Just as I went to open the door a loud boom met my stoned ears.

    Just like that, I was pulled into reality.  I stared up at Anthony and Jack.

     Holy fuck, I had caused a plane crash.

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