Wreck it Ralph?

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At first I sat near the cave and looked out into the dark jungle. No plan in mind really. After a few minutes of nothing passed I finally got the courage to walk out into the darkness.
"Ralph!" I called out. My voice echoed back a bit. I felt kind of immature chasing after him like this. He probably didn't even need me.
The trail was barely visible with the small torch I brought. Every little sound around me made me jump. I continued up the trail down the mountain, I was pretty sure this was the one he had taken. Pretty soon I was well past the safe zone of camp.
"Molly!!" Bobby's voice echoed down from farther up the trail. Of course. I turned and spitted his light in the dark coming towards mine. "I'm coming with you."
"Fine." I signed. I couldn't lie, I was definitely relieved not to be alone. "Are you sure you're well enough?"
"I was out of the plane before the engine blew. I'm totally fine." He stood next to me. "You're the one who needs rest."
"It was only a snake bite. I'm okay." We kept walking.
"Anthony says your heart wasn't beating for long enough for that Guido boy to freak out." Bobby looked over at me, his tone growing more serious. "We didn't even know your class was missing. This sounds crazy, but I don't think they ever sent out a rescue team or went public..."
"No one knows we're missing?"
"No. Ha, well I guess now we do." He reached for my hand, pulling me to a stop. "You stopped talking to me so long ago, had you died-"
"We stopped talking for a reason, Bobby. We agreed that things were over."
"No we didn't. You said things were over. You stopped talking to me. I tried so hard to talk to you."
"Yeah, by dating Abby?"
"She asked ME out. I didn't know what to say..."
"Maybe, no I have feelings for someone else? Obviously that wouldn't have worked. You didn't have feelings for me."
"I did!" His face was visable in the flickering torch light. He looked pissed. "You don't understand. It was just too awkward."
"It's fine, dude. It's the past. I moved on." I blurted. I didn't even expect to say it out loud.
"You're over me?"
"Sshhhhh...." I put my finger to my mouth. "Do you hear that?"
"Don't try to change the subject. You and me are finally together and we're finally going to talk this out."
The noise happened again, this time we both turned towards it. In the glowing light was a giant fucking lion!
Bobby stepped in front of me as it stared at us, just foaming at the mouth. It's shiny black eyes were dripping tears, and it clearly had some kind of paint around it's eyes. In its hair were tiny bones tied in and a few braids.
"Holy shit!!!" Before it could pounce on us, a spear flew threw the air and dug right into it's head. It dropped instantly.
"What the fuck are you two doing out here?" Ralph scolded as he approached us. His face was covered in black stripes and his shirt was missing. With a swollen black eye, he looked like he had gotten out of some kind of fight.
"Looking for you." I answered. His eyes locked with mine. Even with the limited light, the gold in his beautiful eyes still took me back. "What happened to you?"
"It doesn't matter. I'm fine." He took a long breath before glaring at Bobby, not even trying to be subtle. "You clearly have protection anyway. Go back to the caves."
"Are you coming with us?" I asked.
"I'll go back, but I need to do something first."
"Go. I'll be back in the morning." That hurt me. I just sharply turned and began walking back towards the cave. "Molly..."
I turned. He walked up to me full speed. Stopping right in front of me, Ralph pulled me into a tight hug. I wanted so much more, but he let go and disappeared into the jungle again.
Bobby and I began walking back.
"I don't trust him." Bobby said as we walked. "He's too aggressive, and what the hell is he up to anyway?"
"He's never harmed me."
"Not yet."
"Whatever dude. Let's just finally get some sleep." I said as we entered the cave. Everyone was sleeping on the couch and around it. There was one spot left on the couch. "Goodnight."
"Where are you going to sleep?"
"Shhh. Don't wake the others up. I have a spot."
"There's other rooms?"
"Well, one that I'm aware of." The cave was dark and the only light came from Bobby's torch.
"Oh God. You're sleeping in his room aren't you?" My cheeks flared up. "Molly-"
"I've slept in there once. Well died. He hasn't done anything yet, so chill." I didn't even want to explain. I walked in silence to the room with the bed of sails and fell right down into a deep sleep.
I awoke to the sound of sand moving. Someone had come in the room. The sun wasn't even up yet and the cave was still dark. "Ralph?"
"Mhm." I recognized his voice.
"I'm sorry, I'll move-" I was cut off by the sound of him falling back into the bed.
"No. Stay." He shuffled around to get comfortable. I could feel his bare skin against mine and it drove me wild. "I'm sorry for being an ass."
I leaned into him and turned my head to kiss him gently. "Shhh. Let's rest."
"I'm going to make it up to you." His lips found my neck and he began to softly kiss it and nibble. I leaned back and shut my eyes in pleasure. He used his big strong arms to hoist me on top of him. Instinctively I bent over to meet his sweet lips.
Our tongues danced and our hands explored one another's bodies. My body took over and I began to grind above him as we kissed. I quickly pulled back and threw my shirt across the room.
Our clothes were gone in an instant and I felt him slide inside me. I gasped loudly and prayed to the gods that I didn't wake anyone. He caught my obvious lack of experience and slowed down. I adjusted and began to slowly ride him. Eventually it took all I had to be quiet. Ralph saw this and brought his hand to my mouth while gently kissing my cheek. His hand led my head back and laid me down gently on the soft sheets. I could feel his hot breath against my neck as his breathing got more uneven. Our pace quickened and I could tell he was struggling to be quiet too. My legs began to shake and I could barely keep my eyes open. I grabbed a handful of sheet as a small moan escaped me. Before he finished he pulled out and laid right next to me, both of us completely out of breath.

I fell into a deep and perfect sleep, naked next to him.

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