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Everyone was still gettin used to Dori and Nikki around but they reminded me of Tanner and I. It was pretty obvious that they were dating but with everyone around they weren't afraid to show affection towards one another. Meanwhile the other plane that had crashed was still sparking somewhat of a fire and I prayed that Molly and the others made it back soon. While we hopefully waited for their return we all took another needed relaxation except this time it was Tanner and I alone.

Tanner stripped down to his underwear came behind me and picked me up with his hands around my waist and put me on his back and ran into the water. "Tanner!! Put me down!" I said with angry tone in my voice and he did just that but in the water. "God fucking damnit Tanner." I said under my breath. Good thing my hair was in a fishtail otherwise I would have been more pissed then I already was. "How's the water Kelly?" He said in a cocky tone. I instantly glared at him and said to him "Oh I'll get you back for this Tanner." I said with a wink. I was inching closer towards him and I leaned in as if I was about to kiss him and instead I dragged him under the ocean waves as well. "Damn you Kelly!" He said as I giggled.

     I suddenly got splashed in the face by water he shoved at me and at this point I swam over to him and we wrestled in the water trying to see who was better at this little game we were playing. He had the muscle advantage and I had the smarts. I was about to fall over when Tanner rushes in and swoops me from under my feet making sure I didn't fall over in the water.

     I looked into his blue eyes which basically matched the color of the water. I leaned in for an actual kiss but we were interrupted when Jack and Anthony cane running from the forest screaming "GUYS! We found the plane victims!" They said out of breath. "Another plane crash!? What!" Tanner said in shock.

He placed me back upright and ran back onto the beach. "Are you sure there was another plane crash? We didn't hear a thing." He said with a confused tone. "Positive. It happened right by us." Anthony said still out of breath. "Well do you guys need any help getting them back here?" Keairah interrupted. "Well there's not that many guys maybe like one or two people. Jack said.

"I'll help!" I yelled out and I heard another one from way back which was Dori. "Okay then it's settled. You two can come help bring them back here." He said almost in a demanding tone. We immediately followed but weren't ready for the long journey. "Are you sure you wanna do this Kelly?" Tanner said in a concerned voice. "Tanner. Don't worry about me I'll be fine." I said reassuring him. I decided to give him a peck on the cheek which he obviously enjoyed by the look on his face.

"Okay but please be careful. I don't wanna lose you again." He said concerned once again. "I will Tanner I promise" laying a kiss on his cheek once again. I walked into the forest following Dori but before being complete gone I looked back at Tanner and waved at him. He smiled back and waved. I looked back multiple times and he was still there looking at me.

"I swear this trip gets longer and longer." I said to myself in frustration. We made sure to leave some kind of evidence behind anytime we went into the jungle just in case we had to hurry back. The whole time we were in there I thought of Tanner. But I thought of him at the wrong time because these hooded men came from within the jungle saying "YOU!" He pointed at me and Jack. "COME WITH US! OR PAY THE AWFUL PRICE OF DEATH!" I panicked and Jack clearly did as well I wasn't ready to be kidnapped again. Dori and Anthony were prepared for anything if they attacked or something did. They stood their ground from these hooded men and fought them.

But they used the same kind of words that Natalie did to Kill Chase. "OOBLYA GHOLA!" As soon as they said that Jack and I were flying through the air and away from Dori and Anthony. "AHHH! GUYS HELP US!" I screamed in horror. They tried to follow but lost sight of us real quick. Jack managed to escape their grasp and run away but I got stuck and tried to escape but couldn't. "LET ME GO YOU FUCKSTICKS!" I screamed at them.

      "GOOLASH OOGABOHA!" As soon as they said that in unison my lips were sealed shut and I couldn't open them. "Again with this fucking shit?" I said to myself in frustration. I was in there by myself and I was pretty fucking skeptical about the whole thing. I was constantly doubting the reality of all this until I awoken by a slap to my face. "Get up!" One said in anger. So I did what he said and got up. "What's your name?" He said in a more sensitive tone. "My n-name is Kelly?" "Kelly huh?" The other guy said. "We've been watching you and your other people for quite a while now." He said. "Are you the ones who killed Kaitlyn?" I said with my head down. "Unfortunately yes, she saw us and we had no other choice."  I was never really close to her but I liked the girl. "So what am I doing here?" I said quietly.

     "This is why you're here." The guy pulled out a little pink gem and held it in his hands. "This gen is very powerful. It can control animals and nature." He said confidently. "So why do you need me?" I said really confused. "This." The other man pulled up a curtain and behind it was another guy. I couldn't really see who it was until they turned on the light. "LOGAN!?" I screamed. "Kelly?" He mumbled still unresponsive. "What are you guys gonna do to him!" I snarled at them. "Logan here is gonna be our test dummy. He's gonna hold the gem." He said while holding it. The other man went behind the little glass holding the gem by this weird machine and inserted it into it.

      Seconds later the machine was making weird sounds like it was moving it around. "You ready?" The man said to the other. "Yep!" The man replied. As soon as he said that a giant needle came out of the machine and was pointed at Logan. "Oh my god. What are they gonna do to him?" I said to myself in shock. Apparently the machine crushed up the gem into tiny ass Pieces. I couldn't watch to I turned my head. The giant needle starting moving towards him and I could hear him scream in pain. The needle was placed around his upper arm. It took about Twenty minutes for the operation to be done. And boy was of awful. Within five minutes changes already were happening. His black hair had gone to a light color of a dirty blonde. And his caramel skin was pale now. "Oh my god what about me?" I said to myself in horror. Was I gonna end up like Logan. Although I already had blonde hair I had tan skin and I loved it. There's enough left for two more people. "Go find that Jack guy! And hurry!" The man yelled at the other. "We're gonna give you two specific powers to go along with his. You guys can control everything that he can but you can control any minds. "What?" I said to him really fucking confused at this point. The other guy helped me up and into the chair and put something in my mouth so I could hide some of the pain.

"Ready?" He said. I knew I didn't have a choice in the matter so I nodded. As soon as I nodded he put the needle into my arm and I screamed but it was muffled and after what seemed like an eternity it was over. "Thank god" I said to myself. So what about this gem. The gem was really beautiful it was a bright pink gem that was circular. "Why is this gem so important here?" I asked. "Well Kelly this gem is the only one on this island and it produces balance between everything." He said. I nodded and pondered to myself. "What happens if it gets into the wrong hands?" It's like the guy heard me think it even though I didn't say it out loud.

"I'm glad you asked that Kelly. If it got into the wrong hands it could be put into a magical flute found on the island and once blown all balance is destroyed and lives are lost." I looked at him in horror with my eyes bulging out. "That's why this gem needs to stay with Logan here at all times." He said. "So what about the other guy" I asked him.

     "Jack will come soon." He replied. I nodded and sat there and waited for him to return. And about twenty minutes later here he came back with jack unconscious. They quickly put him union the chair and poked him with the needle and gave him the exact same things I had. "So now that we both have our powers. How will we know when to use them?" I asked. "We will of course train you three but with you and Jack, you both have telekinesis and can control stuff with you mind."

     "Think of it like this. Logan is the main guy and you and jack are like his protectors." I said to myself "that sounds pretty cool." I just wanted to get training started so I can get back to Tanner. Even though it's been a day since we've gone missing I thought about him at every moment. His blonde hair, his blue eyes, his pearly white teeth, and his perfectly structured body. God i missed him.

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