The Hike..

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I woke up sitting upright on the worn plastic couch. Although I had slept in a shitty position, I had just survived a plane crash, so I was pretty content. Anthony was sprawled across the rest of the couch, his feet up on my lap. Jack laid comfortably on the sandy floor, using an old floaty as a pillow.
"Good morning, girly." Ralph said. His cute cheeks quickly flared up. "Sorry, I haven't talked to a girl in a while."
"You're fine, really." I said between laughs. "You won't need many skills anyway-" it was my turn to go red.
"Yaaaawwwnnn." Anthony woke and quickly kicked Jack in the side. "Wake up pussy."
After a quick and delicious breakfast of sliced pineapple we made our way into the jungle. Ralph had graciously stocked us all with our own pocket knife, so we were packing. The Italian boy had a lot of knowledge of the island and informed us that it was huge and still trapped in an ancient world, a world he still knew little about. The extent of his knowledge really broke down to an old map written by hand on a very old piece of paper.
The map divided the island into two sides. East and West, the bonies on the east and the Crab people to the west. The crab people are peaceful, as long as you didn't disturb their fishing or approach them too quickly. The bonies are a lost hope and a constant threat.

As for Ralph's island story, he had simply drifted here on a sailing trip gone wrong. He originally found the island with fourteen other survivors, all now killed by the bonies. Because the bonies had been so aggressive, Ralph's group took to a bunker lifestyle, hiding out in the caves of the island.

"If the other tribe is so chill, why didn't you guys team up with them?" Anthony asked as we made our way through the thick green leafs. Tropical flowers of every color surrounded us, and the island was truly beautiful.

"They're peaceful. I never said normal." Ralph aggressively chopped his knife through some bush blocking our path. "We're almost your group's little camp."

Anthony and Jack exchanged concerned looks after the Italian boy's reaction.  Jack stepped through to ask more questions.  "What is up with them?"

"They want too much in exchange for safety, so we  left them.  Plain and simple."

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"Shhh..."  Ralph put a finger to his mouth as he looked back at us all.  A short growl came through the trees.  Oh my fuccking god did that boy have pretty eyes.  Lost in my thoughts I missed the warning howl from the cougar that leapt at me.   

"FUUCCK!"  I screamed. Before its sharp claws reached my skin it was torn back by Jack's strong arm and I knife.  Blood sprayed all over me, but I graciously smiled up at my wide-eyed savior.  Jack stood above me with his knife still jabbed into the creature.  

"Um- um..."  He panted down at me.  

"Thanks Jack!"  It came out awkward and squeaky, but my adrenaline was still rushing.  

"Quick thinking, bud. " Ralph patted Jack on the back.  "Get used to killing, it's the only way to survive around here."  The extremely handsome boy leaned down and gave me a hand.  "There's a waterhole near, let's clean you off."

"Another kind of creepy thing to say, dude."   Anthony laughed.  " You are getting better though."
      The waterhole was only a quick few minutes walk away, and it took my breath away.  It wasn't so much of a waterhole.  It was a massive and beautiful waterfall.  The water at the bottom of the large dropping water was crystal clear, a blue almost green with vibrant colors.  After my nasty past few days, I was in heaven. 
      "Okay y'all look away.". I said quickly sliding out of my skirt and pulling my shirt off.  Once I got close enough to the water I pulled my sports bra off and threw it to the shore, quickly diving under and facing away from the group.  I turned to see them all staring anyway, their faces now red.  "Um, rude."
      "Calm down we didn't see-" Anthony laughed.  "Any of the good stuff haha."
      "Mind if we come in, too?". Jack asked still blushing.  "I mean, we've gone through as much as you."
      "Yeah just don't get too close, this water is see through as fuck.". I laughed as they all pulled most of their clothes off as well.  I knew damn well I would stare at Ralph.  And that I did once his worn t-shirt was pulled up to reveal his striking bod.  He must've caught me looking and winked at me once again.
       "Like what ya see?" Ralph asked as he swam over towards me.  "You're pretty fit too, ragazza."
     The Italian hit my ears like a melody and my cheeks went bright red.  Jack and Anthony awkwardly swam around us too, now rolling their eyes. 
     Ralph swam even closer to me, so close now that he could definitely see everything.  His golden eyes met mine before his gaze dropped to my body.  I fallowed his extremely long lashes and didn't even care that he was looking and I was stranded on an island.  His eyes came back up and quickly splashed his grinning face and dunked under again. 
       We spent about an hour swimming before heading back towards the others.  What we came upon on the way I was definitely not prepared for.

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