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Ralph and I continued to head towards the beach. We had no idea what they wanted from us, or how long we had even been there. Apparently once I began to hallucinate, Ralph got into a fight with one of the Crab Fishing Villagers. They out numbered him pretty bad and got him to also eat one of the hearts. During my trip, the bonies must've braided my hair into several braids. This definitely would make a good ad for D.A.RE.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Ralph looked back at me with his big brown eyes. He looked super stressed and tired.

"I don't want to freak you out, Mollio," Ralph pointed his head forward. "But that's definitely some kinda ritual thing we're headed to..."

"Hope they're just doing a dance..."

Eventually we were on the large circle carved in the sand. Long marks were drawn throughout the surrounding beach. Several of the bonies were outside the circle watching in. The leader, with yes, a boner, walked in to meet me and Ralph. He used his strong skinny hands to push us closer and tie me behind his back.

More tribesmen came from the jungle carrying a large log and some bush. Oh fuck, they were going to burn us alive. The stood the log next to us and tied us to it. Quickly they spread the bush around at our feet. As they did this the man with a boner grabbed a large pinking berry and swallowed it hole, and his boner grew. It was disgusting.

"Guess now we know how he does it?" Ralph whispered in my ear, snickering even in the face of death. I let our a short much needed laugh too. The bonie's leader caught out laughs and shouted some unknown command to someone outside the circle. Aperson quickly returned with a box and the leader slid it open.

"Holy fuck a snake!" I yelped. I jumped, and my rope slid up a bit. I must not be tied in that tight. The man grabbed Ralph as I continued to shake and stir the heavy pull. Just as the man crept the snake towards Ralph's neck, I broke from my wrap. "Piss off, boner dude!"

I jumped against the mans arm and flipped the snake away in the nick of time. Before the snake could completely blow off it got a good, sharp bite into my arm. I screamed out in pain as I instantly felt the venom flow into me. Ralph, still somewhat tied to the pole used it to his advantage and swung the pole violently around. It hit many of the tribe members, but not me, sense I was down on the ground clinging to my scorching arm.

Laying next to me on the sand was a spear one of the men had dropped after being hit. My hand instantly grabbed it and raised it as I tried to sit up. A man across form me was also trying to get up after being struck by Ralph. I slugged forward through the pain and the spear jabbed through his bare chest. My whole body shook with adrenaline. The man stared at me with large black eyes while he drew his last breath.

Ralph pulled the thick pole of his back and pulled me up with his other hand. I quickly fell over his shoulder as he yelled at the tribesmen who hadn't tun off from the fight. "Back off unless you want a spear, you bonie fucks!"

I defensively aimed the spear around. The bonies looked around at the mess we had created. Then they all turned and sprinted into the jungle, leaving three bodies in the sand. The one I got was now pooling blood, and the others were definitely dead from the impressive whack to the head. As my adrenaline calmed, my attention went to the nasty red and blue bite on my arm. Once again my vision began to blur. "Ralph the snake..."

"FUCK FUCK FUCK." He lightly dropped me to the sand. His warm mouth quickly met the bite, wasting no time begging to suck the venom from my body. My whole body was on fire. Weighing a ton, my eyelids fell shut.

I awoke in Ralph's cave. I must have been in a new room, because I was actually laid comfortably across a soft bed made from plastic boat seat pillows. The plastic was covered with a light sheetlike piece of sail and I was wrapped under a bunch of clothes. I was all alone and it was kind of awkward.

"R-Ralph?" I whispered out into the room. My voice was weak and my mouth was dry. I rose and hobbled over to the water jug Ralph had in the living room cave. I turned the knob and filled a coconut cup to the brim and chugged it. Then I filled again, and repeated multiple times until I couldn't take anymore.

The cave remained empty. I wandered around, and found a cave with a round mirror up on the wall. Out of all the stuff to take from a shipwreck, they took a mirror? For all that had went down, I didn't look half bad. My skin was lightly reddish from the sun, but my arms were already tanning. Braids fell wound my face in a cute way to keep my fair back. As I focused in on the braiding, I realized that there were tiny bones tucked in between loops.

I had noticed the bones in other bonies hair. This was pretty gross. I was tired of all the dead crap around me lately, so I undid the braids and pulled the bones from my hair. My hair dropped and it was now a long and wavy look. I was taken back by how fast my hair had grown on the island. My bangs were way too long and blocked my eyes. I looked around and actually found one of those mini travel scissors and some other hair care products on some rock. This place was pretty set.

After cutting my bangs to a length I could see again, I headed back into the living room. Ralph was walking in as well, his arms full of bright and colorful flowers. He was headed towards the room with the bed before I spoke.

"You redecorating or something?" I asked, smiling from finally seeing someone again.

His head swung in my direction and his face was smacked with shock. The flowers dropped from his arms as he continued to stare at me in disbelief. I tilted my head in confusion. It looked as he was trying to speak, but his mouth struggled to form words. He finally sped walked to me and pulled me off the ground and into his warm arms.

"Holy fuck Molly.." I could feel him somewhat shake against me. "You were- You- You were fucking dead!"


"No one survives one of those snakebites..." His chest was right on mine, his head rested over my shoulder. I was still processing being dead, but I was pretty taken back by his excitement to see me. It calmed me. "I know you probably have a million questions, but I'm so stressed right now... Let's just celebrate."

Sadly, my feet returned to the sandy floor and Ralph ran off into what I assume is his room. He returned with a bright orange radio. He smiled up at me with his beautiful smile before setting it up on a tall rock.
"You wouldn't believe how good the caves make the music sound." He leaned over and hit play. Music filled the room, the song was

Ralph danced towards me and grabbed my hands. I grinned and we swung around the room. The music sounded so good after going so long without any. My whole body felt every beat as we spun and twisted our way around each other, both occasionally laughing.
As the song got intense Ralph picked me up by my waist and held me high up in the air, still moving to the beat. He mouthed to me "oohhh baby I love your way!" And I broke into a laughing fit.
He dropped me to land at his eye level, but kept his hands on my hips.
"I see you don't like my singing." He laughed.
"I don't actually," I said between giggling,. "I think you suck."
"Well at least I'm stronger than you, weak ass." He flexed an arm.
"Not true actually." I grabbed him by his wide shoulders and dragged him down. It was actually pretty difficult, considering he is pretty strong. He was obviously letting me do it, considering how easily he took down those bonies before.
Music was still playing, but we were to distracted wresting to notice. I pushed on him as he pulled me, and ended up straddling him. My cheeks went bright red, and we ended up just staying like that for a minute.
"Guess I am stronger than you?" I said between breaths. We both were now breathing jaggedly and staring at each other. He grabbed my sides and pulled me over and was now on top of me.
I felt his lips meet mine, but did not process what I had done until after. It was a quick kiss. Being too shy was going to be the death of me. He laughed a little before taking over and leaning into passionately press his lips to mine. I dropped to have my back laid against the sand as I pulled him into me, wanting to get as close as possible. His lips were sweet like fruit and I shivered at every touch.  I felt his fingertips travel up my legs, and he slowly made his way up to my under shirt.  

"What the fuck?"  Antony yelled as he and Jack entered the cave.  

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