Out and about 🧵

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     It had been almost 2 months since we were taken and experimented on. Everyone that was there I was closer to then ever especially me and Andrew. He became my best friend while I was there and I wasn't sure how much longer Jack and I were gonna be there.

"Kelly!" I heard someone yell. "You're late for practice again!" Logan yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and yelled back "I'm coming don't get your tittes in a knot!" Jack, Logan, and I have all been training together almost every day just in case this girl comes to attack us and get the gem.

Jack and I had our powers almost under control for the most part. There is a part where we both can't control the color of our eyes. They would change from there regular color to the color of pink because that's what the gems color was. "You've really gotta get that under control Kelly" Logan sneered at me. I rolled my eyes and said to him "I'm working on it. It's not like everyday you gain powers that change your life forever." Logan knew exactly how to push my buttons and he did just that.

After our training session was over I walked over to Barbara and Andrew who were cooking one of his famous stews. I've never had a conversation with Barbara one on one but I have with everyone else. "Hey guys!" I say to them both. Andrew jumped from my response. "Hey kiddo how was training?" I rolled my eyes and said "Same old same old."

     " Logan's still on my ass over everything and honestly it's getting annoying." I said to Andrew. Andrew laughed and I glared at him. "It's not funny Andy."

     "You know what's funny kid?" Andrew said. I tilted my head in response to his little question and grabbed some water. "What's funny is that I think you two have feelings for each other." I coughed and choked on the water that I was drinking and laughed.

     "There's no way In hell we have feelings for each other!" Right? "I know what I see kid. It's obvious" Andrew said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Andrew you don't know what you're talking about." I glared at him.

I walked away in a pissed off mood and went back to my area to train with Jack and Logan again. They had switched up the routine and made it even harder for us three. Andrew and Barbara were like the 'bad guys' and they were coming to get the stone and Jack and I had to defend Logan at all costs without giving up.

I flew into the air using my powers and Jack had turned his hands into fireballs ready to shoot at Andrew and Barbara. They were hiding behind things and making us wait in surprise of when they were gonna attack us and Logan.

Andrew attacked first lunging forward at me and I used my powers to pick him up swiftly and launch him into a tree. Barbara lunged herself towards Jack and I noticed that he had a harder time getting Barbara away from Logan, he was shooting fireballs at her left and right, some of them hitting the trees and others hitting the surrounding areas like rocks and the sand.

Barbara beat the fuck out of Jack and she eventually made her way towards me. I picked up trees that were stuck in the ground and launched them at her. She dodged them with ease and pounced me hitting me in the face multiple times.

"Jesus Fuck Barbara what the hell!" I yelled at her holding my bleeding nose.

"Its obvious that they need more practice Andrew they aren't ready for what's coming or who's coming." Barbara replied smirking at the both of us making us both glare at her.

"I think they're more then prepared Barbara you surprised them that's all." Andrew said staring at us. "They just need more time to get re-" He was interrupted by a violent shaking in the ground. It then threw us all off our feet and onto the ground. We looked over at the island and saw giant hovering Spaceships.

"Somethings wrong with the Bonies and the Crab people!" Barbara exclaimed at Andrew. "They're running away from whatever that is look you can see them over there!" She pointed in the direction of them.

"We need to go now!" Andrew said looking over at us. We got up and started to head over to the Island and I had a gut feeling that this wouldn't end well for any of us.

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