Into the forest 🧵

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Waking up in Tanners arm was complete bliss. He woke up first running his fingers through my hair and dragging his fingers on his other hand along my skin.

"Last night was unforgettable Kelly." He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him and smiled at him. He winked at me and I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks again.

In that moment I knew that I was falling for him really hard and I knew also that I was ready for whatever the future held for us. Our moment of silence was ruined when Chase ran through the door.

"Tanner! Kelly!" He said running out of breath. We both perked our heads towards him. "Natalie's gone and so is most of our food!" He said sounding panicked. Tanner instantly got up and walked towards Chase.

"Do you know where she went? Were there any footprints anywhere?" Tanner asked getting upset. "Umm we found some tracks that led into the forest but I know the rules here." Chase said slowly backing away from Tanner.

"Well it looks like we're gonna have to break that rule and go into the jungle." Tanner said looking back at me. I stared at him confused.

"Why would we break that Rule Tanner?" I asked lightly putting my hand on his forearm. He tensed up and put his hand on top of mine. "Well it's the only way we can get more food Kelly, also maybe we can find Natalie in there if she's not already dead." Tanner replied.

"Maybe we'll also find Molly, Jack, and Anthony." I said hopeful that we would find them.

"Fine then let's go!" Tanner said. Chase walked out and Tanner was soon to follow him but I stopped him.

"Are you sure you wanna do this Tanner?" I asked putting my hand on his arm lightly. "I want to do this Kelly. We need to find Natalie and the others." He said leaning down to kiss me.

"Are you taking everyone?" I asked before he placed his lips on mine. He pulled away and shook his head.

"No I think that we should leave a few people here just in case Natalie comes back or if someone else tries something.

I nodded my head and let him walk out.


Guys please be safe and come back." Chase said looking at us. I smiled at him and pulled him into a tight hug. 

"We'll come back with Natalie and Molly and them." I said breaking away from the hug to look at Tanner. 

"Kelly we should probably go before it gets dark." He  said and held out his hand opting me to take it. I grabbed it and he led us toward the jungle.

Tanner and Victor were in the front making sure that they marked everything so that they knew where we were and how to get back to the little village we had made in almost a month.

Keairah, Mayce and I were the only girls who had come with them to make sure that all the boys were kept in balance. I had seen Riley and Mayce get closer over the last few days and I thought she'd be a perfect candidate for coming. Keairah was my best friend so she would keep me sane and I her.

Colby and Jarod were arguing over which way to go next when suddenly a giant figure came into view. Tanner pulled me behind him guarding me while Riley did the same thing to Mayce. Keairah stood behind me as all the boys pulled out their make shift spears.

They were ready to throw them when out of nowhere it dropped to the ground lifeless. I started looking around and that's when I noticed a man kneeling on a tree. I could see that he has green eyes and I was intrigued. Before we could say anything he disappeared back into the jungle.

"Okay guys I think that we should start heading back to our home." Colby said pointing back in the direction we came. "Colby let us rest we're tired and it's almost night." Jarrod said bitching at him. He rolled his eyes and set down his stuff.

While all the boys set down their stuff Mayce Keairah and I walked away to find some food for nutrition when out of nowhere Keairah yelled out.

"Guys come over here! There's this village looking thing!" She yelled making everyone turn there attention to her. They all got up and ran over to see what she was pointing at.

"Oh my gosh!" I said ecstatic. "We don't have to sleep in the jungle!" Victor said happily. We all started walking towards it but Tanner blocked out path.

"Guys we don't know who's in here and who were dealing with we should be careful." Tanner said putting his stuff on his back.

Right before we were about to head into the village a mysterious person showed up. He had honey brown eyes like the ones I saw in the jungle hours before.

All the boys pulled out their spears and pointed them at him.

"Who are you!?" Jarrod seethed. The guy put up his hands in defeat.

"I'm not here to hurt you guys." He said. "I know where your friends are and I was going to lead you to them." He said and everyone put down the weapons. "I'll take you guys right now." He said leading the way towards who I hoped was Molly.


"So how do you know who our friends are exactly?" I asked catching up to the man in front. He looked at me and I lost my tongue for words because I got lost in his eyes. Tanner noticed and glared at him pulling me away.

"I guess you'll just have to trust me." He said chuckling. "At my place you guys will have shelter and food for a while before I send you guys back on your way.

"As much as I don't wanna send her back I should, it's right." He said looking down at his feet. I felt bad for the guy he had been here all by himself and he finally found someone for him.

"Why don't you come back with us?" I offered and he stopped in his tracks. He turned around and looked at me. "I can't brunette I need to be on my own here." He said I nodded at him and he turned around and began walking again.

"We're almost there." He said setting his stuff down. "Why don't we take a break you guys look like you need it." He said laughing and sitting down. Colby rolled his eyes and set his stuff down.

I sat down next to the mysterious man. "Do you have a name at least?" I asked him as I sat down. He looked up at me. "Ralph." He said smiling at me and held out his hand. "Kelly." I said taking hold of his hand and shaking it.

"What did you do before you got stuck here?" I asked him trying to make conversation. "Umm I was actually on my way to a baseball tournament in Japan before all this happened." I nodded and gasped. "Oh my gosh! I used to play softball!" I said excitedly. He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"But I had to stop because I had a knee injury and it was pretty bad so my parents didn't want me to play anymore." I said looking down. "Well when we get off this island we'll totally have to play a game." He said winking at me.

"Okay guys lets go!" Ralph said getting up from his spot running our moment. I was quick to follow him and catch up Tanner who immediately laced his fingers with mine.

We reached his place and out of the corner of my eye I could see Jack and Anthony. I held my hands over my mouth. The second they saw us they ran over to us and pulled us into a group hug.

"Oh my gosh guys thank gosh you're all safe!" Tanner said.

"Where's Molly?" Colby said looking around.

"Hey guys..." we could hear a feminine voice and we all turned around to find her.

I looked at her and I started crying and ran towards her.

"Oh my god Molly. I never thought I would see you again." I said crying into her shirt. She hugged me tightly as I sobbed.

We were all reunited and I couldn't be more happier. Now it was time to head back home.

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