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So, this story is now a Larry/Narry story....enjoy loves...

"So, Harry, I thought you did exceptionally well yesterday, in last period. I wanted to praise you individually, but I didn't think that would have been fair to all the other students who work so hard, but will never quite reach your level. It's sad really..", he muttered, slightly distracted, as I passed him back the papers he had dropped.

"All good, Mr Horan. I never really like all that special attention teachers feel they need to give me, just because yanno...", I shrugged.

"Yes.. That. Look, I have to go now, and i know its the weekend, but would you mind dropping by later. I think we need to speak", he muttered, flicking through his papers.

"S-sure", I stuttered, nervous to be alone with Mr Horan.

"That a boy! I knew there was a reason why you were my star pupil!", he cheered, before slipping past me, and heading down the corridor.

I swallowed the non-existent lump in my throat, and continued on my way back to my room.

Me and Mr Horan.



I had to control myself.

Some part of me wanted to kiss the dear life out of my music teacher, but the other part; the nervous filled, autistic, anxiety part of me, didn't have the balls, and just thinking about kissing Mr Horan made me wanna be sick.

As I arrived back at my room, I let a small gasp slip past my lips at the sight before me.

I had been gone no longer than 25 minutes, and Kian's side of the room was bare; practically naked. Not a single if his belongings remained.

What had happened?



Making my way across the room, I sat down on the edge of my bed, hearing it squeak beneath me.

There was a rattling at my door, and then a loud huff, as a person made themselves present.

Looking up through my eyelashes, my heart plunged into the pit of my stomach.

Standing at the door was my worst nightmare.

Louis Tomlinson.

"W-w-what?", I squeaked.

"Hey roomie", he smirked, his grin feral.



This couldn't be happening.

This was a nightmare and surely soon I would wake up, and laugh at a silly dream I had, because there was no way in hell that I, Harry Styles, could be rooming with Louis Tomlinson.

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