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"Hey Louis, I'll catch up with you later", I muttered, distracted as I pulled away from him and dashed up to Niall.

I threw my arms around him and held him tightly, inhaling his warming scent.

"Hey beautiful", he murmured.

"God Niall. Life sucks right now. You know, you're the only one that feels like home right now. Like, do you think it's weird that you're the only one I remember? I think it's destiny", I blurted, so caught up in the moment.

"Baby, we need to talk"

Just then, the bell rang and Niall pulled away from me right before the hallways were swarmed by 8th graders and 12th's alike.

He gave me a worried glance before disappearing into he crowd.

I stood there speechless, so confused and distraught.

What did I do wrong?

Was there something I was forgetting?

"Harry Styles, report to the office please", the overhead speakers rang out, but I didn't move.

I couldn't.

The one I loved had just walked away from me and the one who I thought I loved, and who actually loved me back, I had ran from.

I held myself tightly and sighed as I felt the weirdly comforting feeling of an attack coming back at me, all so quickly and at once.

Of coarse.

The feeling that had been temporarily dormant was resurfacing and with it came back fragmented memories of previous attacks but none of which I could clearly pinpoint.

I didn't know how long I had been standing there, but once I felt the cold flush against my cold skin, I started running down the corridor.

I felt lost and alone.

I couldn't go to the office now and Niall made it clear that he wanted me to back off.

I needed---no scratch that. I wanted Louis.

I barrelled into our dorm but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him on the ground, in the corner and on the floor, crying.

"Louis," I murmered, kneeling down, so that I was level with him.

"Go away Harry," he growled.

"Lou," I went to touch him but he smacked my hand away, before standing up.

I followed after him, trying to grab at him, to feel his skin against mine, damn, I just needed to know that he was here and wanting me.

He spun around so quickly, I squeaked.

"I thought you loved me; but its obvious that it was just the amnesia"

"No Louis! I do love you!," I screamed, tugging at me curls, frustrated. "Its just I was so overwhelmed because Niall's the only one I seem to remember! " I spat out pathetically.

"BULLSHIT HARRY! STOP LYING TO ME! NO ONE COULD LOVE ME!," he exploded, gripping my arms tightly and pulling me close, flush against his chest.

"If you love me so much, why run to him?" He whispered harshly.

And then he threw me, like a rag doll, against the cabinet on the furtherest side of the room and glass flew out and shattered like crystal rain. A trickle of blood ran down my forehead and I could feel it ooze down past my cheek. And for a second, it was beautiful.

Louis just stood there, blinkly silently and breathing harshly.

He turned away, and left, before returning 5 minutes later with cotton balls and disinfectant.

He cleaned away the blood and put the rubbish to the side.

Louis then leant forward amd pulled me up towards him. His hot breath fanned out against my equally hot skin and he whispered into my neck.

"Baby; I love you. Let me make you feel better"

And then he dropped to his knees and as he pulled down my pants, I swear a sick sense of de za vu ran over my skin, causing goosebumps to erupt against my pale skin.


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