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I rolled over; groggily opening my eyes, and letting a yawn slip past my lips.


He had been on my mind all night, and now here he was again as I woke.

But he wasn't alone.

I winced at the sight before me.

Louis, and a woman-both butt naked, tangled as one in his sheets.

Did I mean nothing?

Tears pricked at the backs of my eyes as feelings of abandonment and loneliness trickled through my entire being.

Not wanting to cry; I hastily sprung up from my bed, tripping over my bed sheets, before getting back up and sprinting out of my dorm, still shirtless and only in boxers.

I don't know what quite compelled me to leave so quickly or bang so harshly on the door I was right now, but when Mr. Horan answered the door; I fell into his arms and started to cry.

Shocked, he almost dropped me; but as I began to fall, his arms wrapped tightly around me, bringing me closer and shutting the door behind both of us as he dragged me to his bed.

Sitting us down; he didn't try to pry answers out of me, he only held me tightly and for that I was grateful. Some would be weirded out to be in the arms of their teachers; or nervous to be held by their crush, but none of those factors had entirely clicked just yet; so that all I felt was a sense of numbness spreading throughout my body and burning in my veins; so lifeless, like a black and white picture. I felt so broken and betrayed over what I had seen this morning and I had no idea why.

What was with my sudden fascination with Louis? He was bad news! I had no feelings but hate for him; but I knew I was only lying to myself if I said a sudden fascination for the feather head boy hadn't sprung up after last night; when he had me so aroused that I wanted to give myself to him. No Louis! It was the drugs; the weed in the room; those drugs you accidentally inhaled!, the way he took control...,

I shook my head, wiping the tears away, and looking up to Mr. Horan. He was so beautiful. I was going to throw up.

"Harry, what's wrong", he smiled sweetly.

My eyes flickered to the ground, before speaking up.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Horan, I--"

"Call me Niall. This isn't class and those formalities are stupid! I'm only 23! You make me sound old", he whined, throwing his head back.

I laughed at his over exaggeration, and within seconds; he was looking dead serious.

I noticed his attention had been drawn to the door. Someone was knocking on it.

"Harry.. Hide somewhere", he whispered harshly.

I looked at him confused.

"Just get on the other side of the bed. This would make me look very unprofessional."

And then it clicked.

I was in a teachers room; at 7:15 in the morning. This would look bad.

Shaking my head quickly; I hid, as Mr-- Niall opened the door.

"Where is he?", someone grunted harshly.

I knew that voice. It was--

"Louis", Niall said pleasantly. "How may I help you", he continued.

"I know Harry's here", he screeched, his voice getting closer.

I whimpered, and that must have given me away because within seconds Louis was pulling me up by my arm, harshly. For sure, he'd leave bruises.

"For crying out loud Harry! Cover up", he said, pulling me to his chest.

"Let me go!", I cried, trying to struggle out of his grip.

"Tsk tsk, princess; I'm only trying to help you".

I cringed.

"And how would you be doing that?", Nialls voiced boomed through the room.

I cringed again, but this time because of Niall and the harshness his voice held.

"By stopping him from getting in an illegal relationship with a certain teacher!", he spat, pulling me out if Nialls room with him and slamming the door.

"Let me go", I yelled.

He spun towards me.

"Shut up! Your only making it worse", he yelled back. "You are in so much trouble when we get back to our dorm, princess", he bitterly threatened in a whisper.

I gulped audibly and he only chuckled, dragging me with him.


A/N. Any ideas on what's going to happen? (;(; I'll be updating again today because of my lack of updating; I guess Ive been doing alright but I'm trying to update regularly for the sake of every reader. I'm so sick; so I'm staying home from school today, ugh☔ not good.

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