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"Harry, what the fuck?", Louis yelled, kicking me on to the floor. "Are you always this fucking annoying?"

"What..?", I whimpered, rubbing my sore bottom, still half asleep, due to only have woken up moments ago.

"What the fuck were you doing in my bed?", he grunted, burying his head into his pillows, his hangover oh-so-obvious.

"You let me there last night", I mumbled, standing up, and shuffling around the room in search of my uniform.

"I fucking did not", he growled.

Tears were threatening to fall, as I yanked my uniform from under my bed.'

"Yes you did! Right after you sucked my dick!"

"I did what?!", he yelled, as he sprung out of bed, his eyes wide with shock-but then he groaned, and held his sore head.

I closed the bathroom door, and got dressed quickly, emerging minutes later only to grab my bag and reach for the door.

"You sucked my dick!", I yelled, as I threw the door open."Now, I'm going to class. I'd recommend you go as well to yours. Good day Louis Tomlinson", I said, slamming the door behind me as I left Louis standing there, completely and utterly shocked at my outburst.

I tried but failed miserably to gather my thoughts on the way to English. Three lessons later, and I sat in Music, waiting for the lesson to finish.

The familiar presence of Mr H-Niall, now made me anxious, not because he had forced himself on me, but because of the beating he took from Louis. He had dark patterns around his face and neck, although, most of them were covered by a little concealer, there were still some that stuck out beneath, and their very presence made me cringe.

"Harry--Harry Styles", he said, waving his hands in front of my face."

"Mmh", I hummed, only half aware that he was asking me a question.

"I know you never pay any attention in your other classes, but it's disappointing to see you've decided to flunk music as well . What a waste of talent too", he murmured, distracted. "See me after class, Mr Styles"-and as I looked up to face him, his eyes held a meaning i could only understand.

It said-"we need to talk about a certain incident, and I need to apologise"-all in one pleading glance.

"Ok", I whispered as he continued on with the lesson he was teaching.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone was up and out of their seats, but I remained seated, fiddling with my pen as it inked all over my page.

"Harry, I need to apologise. I just, I like you so much-and I know it's illegal but I thought you liked me too and you were there- all so vulnerable and I just wanted you to feel better", he murmured.

I nodded quickly, ignoring his apology and statement all together.

"I'm sorry for Louis' behaviour. He's a bit possessive and jealous, but he has good intentions behind his actions", I mumbled pathetically.

"Are you-and him", Niall stuttered, crouching down beside me.

"No", I shook my head weakly, a frown almost permanently etched into my features.

Do I wish we were?

Of coarse not Harry. He's bad news and that's all he'll ever be concerning you.

"Well good", he nodded, as he inched forward to stroke my cheek gently.

I leaned into his touch and felt the butterflies explode within the pit of my stomach.

His face inched several inches closer, and I boldly moved in to close the gap between our lips.

To say this was a cliche movie moment would be far from the truth. My teeth clinked against his, and I accidentally bit his tongue, but to my surprise, he didn't seem to mind-as he pulled me even closer, so that now he was straddling me on the chair.

His hands roamed my body, but mine just stayed in his hair, too afraid to touch anywhere else.

Niall made me so nervous- it was almost painful.

"Uh Harry", he moaned out, out of breath and from his little friend pressing against my legs, I could tell he was extremely aroused-but then again, so was I in this moment.

"Harry-stop", he breathed, raggedly, as he reluctantly pulled away from me, before standing up.

I whined in the process on impulse, but then looked away, flushing red with embarrassment.

"Aw hazzy", he cooed, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

"Ni-Niall", I started but then I stopped, looking to see him starring at me expectantly.

I got up and left the room, not even waiting to be excused, because I had bigger problems going on downstairs that could only be fixed with a proper wank in the shower.

A/N. I'm hoping that was a bit longer ??? And I hope you enjoyed it! I sort of sat down and wrote out a bit of a plot, and some ideas// I think that helped me write...BUTTTT

I DIDN'T LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT BUT NOW I LIKE HER :) her change of style, and her new song and film clip has me adoring her once again, she's got edge.. And I don't even care if you hate on me for liking her... Just comment something..

I WANT 4 comments, and at least 2 different people but I hope I can get more because I'm trying with this story, even tho I'm mid term in school and working assignments and prepping for tests.



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