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"Harry, would you mind staying behind... So that, we can talk about extra credit", Niall winked, sliding past my desk, so that his hand skimmed past my side.

"Ok-k sir", I replied pathetically.

"Teachers pet", someone from the front row sneered.

I whimpered, and put my head down, feeling self conscious and hateful again, as I thought about how fucked up I was.

"Shut up Robert, please don't", Niall said weakly, pain etched onto his face.

"What? He's a freak Mr Horan! He's on meds, and he's fucking that Tomlinson kid. He's a freak with a violence problem! I mean, have you seen the bruises on Harry, since they begun rooming? Little boy can't keep up with the rough sex", Robert sneered, laughing at himself.

Others joined in, and I slyly looked up to see Niall's reaction, because what Robert had said was so close to the truth. I wasn't fucking Louis-but I may as well have been. He had been attached to my hip -and dick, since the shower incident two days ago.

"Early dismission!", he yelled, his face going red, with embarrassment and anger.

I got up with the rest of the kids-assuming he meant for me to leave as well.

"Mr Styles! Stay behind please", he yelled.

I whimpered, and sat back down.

He slyly walked over, and stood in front of me, so that he towered over the desk- a method of intimidation.

"Harry--am I going to have to make my claim, so that no other boy does?", he whispered huskily.


"Was what Robert said true?"

"I'm-I'm not fuc---", I choked up. "I'm not fucking Louis", I finally finished, and he looked relieved- but then his concern spiked back up again.

"Is he hurting you?"

My eyes watered as I thought about an incident that only happened this morning.


"No, I gotta go Louis. You can't suck my dick", I groggily muttered, as Louis began to untie my sweats.

"Just a quick one", Louis replied.

"No", I said, pushing him away, and standing up.

As I stood, he tackled me to the ground, and held me down, cutting off my airways.

"What did you say?", he growled, as I struggled to gasp for breath.

"I said-go ahead and suck me off", I gasped.

"Good boy", he smirked, as he dug his fingernails painfully into my hips.


"No. Louis isn't hurting me", I lied.

"Good", Niall smirked, and then he leaned down, and kissed me hard.

"Lets continue this in your dorm, aye? Classes are still commenced. We're all good", he mumbled between kisses.

"Yeah", I nodded hastily, forgetting that Louis is Louis and doesn't attend classes he's suppose to.

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