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A/N. I recommend that you go google naked Adam Levine bc baby,
he is love and sex in one.

"Babe, Harry, Haz"

"mmh," I groaned, unhappy to be woken from my peaceful dream state.

"I gotta go someplace important. I'll be back later. You should sleep. It's still early," Louis whiapered, as he moved away from my body, making me whine in disappointment.

The spot beside me was now empty and it made me shiver as the cool air touched my naked body. The door slammed shut as I began to object, leaving me lonely and somewhat empty.

I flipped over and groaned, my alarm clock showing that it was only 3am. Where on earth was Louis going at this hour? My eyes slipped shut as my mind raced, my fight to stay awake and figure out what Louis was doing, lost as I let the intense drowsiness I was still feeling, drag me under.


I woke later to the sound of my alarm clock blarring some outrageous tone that I know I hadn't set.

I grabbed it and ripped it from the wall, smirking in contentment as I heard it crack against the wall.

Knowing I couldn't sleep any longer if I were to get to class on time, I rolled out of bed, and dragged myself to the joining shower, letting myself wake under the heat of the tap. The steam woke me as I lazily washed my hair and body.

Throwing on some old jeans and a gray converse top, I started for class, completely skipping breakfast because who even eats breakfast? The day was too early for food and I wasn't particularly hungry either.

I walked down the hall, and walked right into B6, my lit class. Surprised to see a kid already seated and fiddling with his phone, I took in his appearance quickly, not missing the fact that he was incredibly hot, and also extremely early for class.

He had a bit of a sketchy look about him but considering I had never seen him in my life, I was assuming he was new and introducing myself would only be a polite, but because I was Harry, the autistic, nerve ridden, antisocial kid, I chose to seat myself at the back instead.


I spun around, scanning the room to see who had spoken up and if they were speaking to me or not.

"You're Tomlinsons toyboy?"

I blinked, confused at what he was asking me to confirm.

"You fuck him"

"I..whu..who" I mumbled.

Who was this kid?

How did he know Louis?

"Ha...I guess he did mention you were a fair bit antisocial," he laughed off as I starred at him in shock.

"Is he good in...yanno," he snarked, raising his right eyebrow.

"Is he what...."

The bell rung, cutting me off, and seemingly saving me as kids flooded into the classroom.

The mysterious guy only smirked and turned back around in his seat.

Shakily, I took a seat and my eyes flickered over to the back of the unknown boys head.

How did he know things only Louis would know?

How did he know Louis?

And better yet, what was he doing asking if I was Louis' toyboy?


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