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A/N. okay, so I put some writing tips at the bottom of this, take a quick look :) .. On with the story now.

"Hands and knees; bed now."

I didn't move.

I couldn't.

I was immobilised by fear, and the crystal clear blue of Louis' eyes.

"Harry", he growled.

I only whimpered, attempting to curl up in a ball and disappear.

Louis yanked me up, snaking me across the back of my head and shoving me against his bed.

"Now, be a good boy", he whispered, crawling on top of me, so that his breath hit my cheek.

"Please don't rape me..", I whimpered, thrashing about , squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

Louis's hand slapped against my mouth.

"Harry, shut up; I'd never do that, I would never", Louis repeated over and over again, his voice weak.

My eyes flew open.

And that's when he hit me, right across my jaw.

Louis sat there almost in tears. His eyes full of so many conflicting emotions, and he look hesitant and regretful but Louis was Louis and he never seemed to regret the things he did. In the short tome I had known Louis, I knew that. Maybe I was judging Louis too quickly, but when someone abuses you mentally and physically, multiple times, you struggle to see the good in them.

He crawled off me and left the room; slamming the door behind it, so that it rattled on its hinges.

What-what was that about? I shook my head, and got up ; before dressing myself and leaving to start class.

But I couldn't help but wonder what had freaked Louis out so much. What had made him react so violently? I didn't see why I was worrying so much. He didn't worry for me, so why should I for him?

When I got back to my dorm room later that day, Louis wasn't there. He didn't come back for the rest of the day. Although, when I woke the next morning, he was beside me, holding me.

Not wanting to ruin how peaceful he looked, I just let him lay beside me, holding me as he did.

I was surprised; very very surprised that he had, what I assumed, came in during the night and held me in my sleep before he slowly drifted off.

"Harr-Haz", Louis mumbled.

"Yes Louis?"

He didn't respond for a long time but when he did; I knew he was sleeping.

"I'm sorry", he whispered, as he subconsciously held me tighter, and once again fell silent.

It was quite a while later that he rolled over and let go of me; a groan leaving his lips.

"What-Harry? Why are you in my bed?", he mumbled, holding his head.

I chuckled, standing up to fetch him some Panamax, as it was clear he had a killer hangover.

"Well, Louis.. Your in my bed", I mumbled, as he sleepily shook his head, so that his hair fell into place.

I passed him the medicine and a cup of water I had gotten from the attached ensuite.

"It seems I am", he laughed awkwardly. "I didn't do anything embarrassing last night when I got back, did I?", he asked cautiously a he stood up, fully displaying his chiseled stomach and delicious v-line.

"I was asleep, so nothing I would know of", I replied.

He laughed lightly, so calm, so at ease with himself and his movements.

Where had this Louis come from? I wanted this Louis. I wanted to shrink him and put him in my pocket and keep him forever. This Louis made my heart flutter and my skin flush. I wanted him bad.

But as soon as I thought that, I realised, I would never just get this Louis, I would always get him and all his fifty shades. If I wanted this Louis, I would get the forceful, dominant, abusing man than made up Louis Tomlinson; and I don't know if I could ever handle that.

A/N. I feel so bad.. I said I would update again like 2 days ago but I got caught up with playing assassins creed 3 and idk. #gamergirl #problems but here's you update.


I thought I'd give you some random writing tips bc yay :)

Writing(inspiration) tips:

-A good tea always gets me inspired (I'm on my 2nd tea today rn lol)

-never give up writing, keep persistent with your writing; the more chapters you have, the more likely someone is to read your story (that's what I do)

-use a variety of sentences. Long sentences , short sentences , and it always helps to be good at English! I love English but I suck at the grammer part but writing is my happy place.

-update regularly (more than I do bc I'm a git)

Anyway, goodbye for now ;)



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And all that JAZZ

THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO READ :) so many ideas for this story.

P.s. I'm so sick now and I have to go to school!! It sucks :) (sorry for the long author note)

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