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People think dreams are a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Well, not for me, I think. Everything seems too real when I dream. The dirt beneath my bare feet, the feeling of the leaves on my hands, the sounds of a distant waterfall, they all seem too real to be just in my mind. 

The full moon lights my way as I run through the jungle. I am still in my night gown and I am not wearing shoes. There are no leaves beneath my feet. In fact, my feet don't even touch the ground. I've learned so much about this place that even when I'm awake I can feel this island changing. Sleep is my only escape from my evil mother.

She is the queen so that makes me a princess. Don't be fooled though, I hate following the laws of my cruel mother. She is so cruel that she made every Sunday execution day. Its sickening. Sunday is supposed to be a holy day and she turned it into the one day of the week that every person in this kingdom fears.

When, or if, I become queen, there will be no execution day, everyone will live in peace, and I will be fair. Citizens will not live in fear or hunger, or poverty. If i become queen, I will be sure of that.

I run past tree after tree until I reach a beach. The sand is soft and cold but not too cold. I stare at the sky until I get a feeling. Something is different. I can feel something watching me as I turn towards the trees. There's something out there I can't resist. I see someone but not their face. I just see an outline of a boy. That is all I see since his face is hidden. "Why do you hide your face, boy?" I ask.

"Because you can't see me yet." The voice answers. He sounds sweet and mischievous but also as smooth as silk and as hard as stone.
"Why not?" I ask. Something about him is pulling at my heart, mind, and soul. I need to see more. "Who are you? Why must I wait?"

"Trust me, love, you will see me soon enough but for now, you must wake up. You won't remember this dream but trust me. Now, close your eyes." He says. I obey because I cannot resist. He has the kind of voice that one must obey for the sake of all that matters.

I close my eyes and I can hear him come near. I feel his soft lips on mine but soon it feels like I'm falling. I land on something soft. I open my eyes and see that I am back in my bed. The curious thing is that I and above the covers instead of under them like when I fell asleep.

Minutes later, Mary opens the curtains letting the sun shine into my room.
"Good morning, Princess Y/N! Lovely morning it is." She beams. Oh, Mary, is always full of kindness and wonder. "Your mother is waiting for you in the throne room, I'm afraid she has news you may not like but just remember, that we believe in you" she says sadness present in her tone.
"Thank you, Mary" I know how much the servants don't hear that often so I try to show them as much kindness as I can.

Mary helps me get ready to see my mother. I wear a beige gown and have my hair in a side braid.
I meet my mother in the throne room and I try to act as I was taught.

I bow down to my mother and she nods before speaking. "As you know, there is a ball being held here tonight?"
"Yes, you're highness, I am fully aware"
"I need you to act like a princess, talk like a princess, and look like a princess."
"Yes, mother, I understand" I say although I do not know where she is going with this.

"The reason I'm telling you this is because this ball is being held to announce your engagement to Sir Maurice French." She says. I can feel my heart break but I am a princess and I was taught to keep all heart ache deep inside. I leave the throne room and run into my room. I start to cry but I fall into a dreamless sleep. Disappointment courses through my veins as I realize that it is almost time for the ball. Mary silently helps me dress into a red gown.

Then she does my hair. Since I have a few minutes left before I have to leave my room, I excuse Mary, then run to the balcony of my room. I see a star and wish. I wish that tomorrow,my mother gets what she deserves.

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