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(POV in 3rd person)

"How long has she been like this?" Hook says as he examines his daughter's body as she lays in bed. Although she's breathing, she is almost lifeless. Her pale skin, chapped lips, and shallow breathing all cause worry among the four watchers.

"Three days. She hasn't woken up yet, but she does occasionally talk." Bailey responds. She watches as her best friend takes another shallow breath. Y/N is lost in her own head, but everyone is oblivious.

"What has she been talking about?" Her father asks, hoping that it could hold the answer to waking her up. He arrived the night before, without the Jolly Roger. For some reason, it seemed nearly impossible for it to leave the docks where it was when he received the letter from his daughter. Everyone has their theory why is could not move. It was like magic.

"She said something about a void." James said, from the wooden chair in the corner of the room, leaving Thomas to sit on the floor next to him. They had both been instructed by Peter to keep an eye on her, just in case something were to happen or if someone were to show up. They didn't have to be asked twice. 

He didn't have to ask Bailey. She was already keeping an eye on her, and she was about as perfect with a bow and arrow as anybody could be. No, she was the best. And, Hook, he wasn't about to leave his daughter's side for anything.

"Don't forget, she also said something about the Black Fairy." Thomas spoke up. This caused Hook to look away from Y/N and straight at Thomas. Could this help at all?

"What did she say?" Hook asked hopefully. 

"That she's here, but Pan hasn't been able to locate her." James said."If she really was her, Pan would have known it."

"What if she's so powerful that she hide herself, even from that bloody demon." Hook said. To be honest, his still hated him. He could pretend for Y/N, but not for himself. He didn't even trust Thomas or James. He could still trust Bailey, since he had at one point been apart of his crew.

"That's not how it works." Bailey said to him.  "Peter would be able to sense her power, but so far, the only power he could sense comes from Y/N."

"So she's not here yet, but when she does, we are all doomed." Hook says. He had faith in Y/N, but not Pan. He knew that if you didn't wake up, he'd loose all hope. "If Y/N's unconscious and mumbling nonsense, then where the hell is Pan?" he says, suddenly angry.

Pan was supposed to take care of her. Where was he now? Probably causing trouble, no doubt. That boy has been a pain since they met. Then he stole Y/n from his, and then brainwashed her into believing he cared for her. 

"He's looking for a cure." James says. James was confident in Pan. Always have been, always will be. Even though Pan 'technically' stole Y/N from him, it was for the best, James thought. Peter will find a way to cure her and then they will defeat the Black Fairy. "He says he's close, but if he gives it to her now, she may die painfully."

"How the hell does that count as 'close'?" Hook says angrily at the two boys.

"Don't look at  me." Thomas says, holding his hands up in defense.


"How's Y/N doing?" Peter says knowing exactly who was behind him

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"How's Y/N doing?" Peter says knowing exactly who was behind him.

"She's still unconscious, no thanks to you." Hook said. Peter, remaining calm for Y/N's sake, decided that getting angry at her dad would not help in the least bit to waking up Y/N. 

"And what have you been doing, besides nothing?" Peter replied, trying to keep his temper in check. 

"I've been by her side, which is more than you could say." Hook said. Peter quickly turned around, forgetting about trying to keep calm. His true love was hurt and her father was not making the situation better for him. 

He has spent countless, (okay, just three), days and nights trying to wake her up. It was her who had laid her in bed. It was he who ripped out the heart of the man who hurt her and made him tell him what he poisoned her with. Now, it was he who was trying to make the cure. Did this pirate understand nothing?

"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I've been a bit busy trying to wake her up." Pan said angrily. 

"And how's that going?" Hook asked. Peter calmed down a bit with this new subject. 

"Better, now that you've mentioned it."  He said, raising an eyebrow. Hook looked baffled. "It's complete."

"What are you waiting for? Give it to her?" said Hook, with a surprised expression. Y/N would finally wake up!

"I intend to." Pan says. They walk in silence back to Y/N's room. Neither of them wanted to be anywhere near each other. If it weren't for Y/N, they probably would never see each other again. But if this torture is the price of love, then its maybe (it most definitely is) worth it.

"Is that it?" Bailey asks, standing up. Peter nods, causing relief to was over them like a wave. 

"Good, now let's get this bloody show on the road." James says.

"James, do you remember when all those pirates showed up and we were all waiting in suspense and stuff."Thomas asks. James, confused as to which time he was talking about, looked at him.

"You'll have to be more specific." He said. There have been several times that they've had to deal with pirates. Strangely, It is a bit difficult that Y/N was once a pirate, but before that she was a princess. Then she became a lost girl. Now she's a queen.

"It wasn't Hook, it was that guy with the enormous beard."Thomas specifies. James knew exactly who he was talking about. It was that creep who thought he could take over Neverland and use the dreamshade to 'give hook whats coming to him.' 

"Then yes, I remember" He remembers hiding with Thomas in a bush and having to listen to earfuls of puns about water, pirates, and crocodiles. They had wait almost two hours in order to keep them from the camp because they had figured out where it was. Pan was gone at the time, he was finding new lost boys. It was up to him and Thomas.

"The suspense kind of feels like that." Thomas said.

"It's gonna work, Peter." Bailey says, sensing his nervousness.

"I know it is. Because I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't." He gives you the cure. Nothing happens at first, then suddenly, you gasp as you wake up. Peter clutches his head in pain, as everything turns to chaos. Then, you say what everyone was dreading.

"They're here!" 

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