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After being taken by the black fairy, my mood has really dropped. I miss Bailey, James, Thomas, Felix, and Peter. Although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still upset about everything he kept from me. I still love him but now I'm starting to question whether I even knew him at all. I've begun to feel lost.

"Y/N!" I hear someone yell. A woman wearing rags comes to the cell I'm locked in. "The Black Fairy wishes to meet with you now." 

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know" She said looking down. "She just said that she wants to have a word with you." I sigh knowing that she doesn't know why. I don't really feel like talking to the person who kidnapped me. I also don't feel like talking my boyfriend's ex wife who he had a child with.  Honestly, this whole thing is really complicated and stressful.

"Fine, I'll talk." I say. The girl unlocks the cell door and she leads me to the Black Fairy. I guess it wouldn't hurt to start a conversation with her. "my names Y/N." I say. Suddenly I realize that she already knew that so now I feel awkward. "Sorry, you already knew that."

"It's okay I'm Cara." She says. 

"How long have you been here?" I ask. She looks like she's been here for a while. She has coal smudges all over her face and her blonde hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in days.

"I don't really know. Time works differently here that in the Enchanted Forest."

"You're from the Enchanted Forest too?" Maybe she knows about Ambia. That was the name of the kingdom I was supposed to rule before Peter showed up. I'm kind of happy he did. I would never have met him otherwise even if it did almost get me killed.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were from there? Your name did sound kind of familiar."She says. Maybe she was one of the townspeople? 

"Well, I was kind of a princess." I admit. It wouldn't hurt to tell just one person.

"Wait, you're Y/N Y/L/N?"


"You must have missed a lot haven't you. You're no longer a princess." She said. I kind of knew that after the whole almost getting killed thing. I was lucky that Peter helped me.

"Yeah, I kind of got that when my mom sent guards after me." I said.

"No, the queen died. She unleashed a great evil in the land. An evil that was her undoing. You are not a princess. You are the Queen." she said. I had no words. I was shocked. Not only was my mother dead but I was now a queen. I haven't thought of Ambia once since leaving with my father. 

We arrive in a big room with a few tables and desks. One of them has a very large glass box with a black rim and no lid. Cara bows down to me before leaving me alone in this big room. 

"Y/N, how nice of you to see me." I hear. I turn around and realize i'm no longer alone. The Black Fairy is here.

Well I didn't really think I had a choice." I tell her earning a laugh in response.

"True." Se says. "I have a proposition for you. I understand that you are the rightful queen of Ambia?" I don't really know what to say. I think I am.

"I guess so."

"Well, I also understand that you have become well acquainted with Malcolm or Peter Pan, as you know him." I flinch hearing his real name.  It makes me remember how little I really know about the one I love. "I understand that you don't want his heart to  become black. There is something that I want. If you give it to me than I can assure you that his heart will be perfectly fine."

"how do I know that I can trust you?" I ask.

"If you really do love my ex-husband than you will do as I say." I become angrier at the reminder that he wasn't mine first. He was her's once and I can't help but be upset about that. "You will go back to Hearst Castle in Ambia and become queen. You will do everything I say or Peter and you're precious lost boys will be punished however way I see fit. Understand."

"I understand" I say

"Okay, you will go through a portal at dawn. Do not be late and do not try to escape."

"I understand."

Time Skip brought to you by:

I stand at the portal thinking about what she might have me do

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I stand at the portal thinking about what she might have me do. Will it be bad? Probably. Do I think this is a terrible idea? Definitely. The important thing is that my friends will be safe. 

"Y/N, it's time. Take this." She says handing me a necklace. It looks like a small mirror with a gold outline. "I will use this to communicate with you. Do not ignore me. Now go."

I walk through the portal and suddenly I'm right out side the kingdom gates. I don't know how long I've been gone but I'm ready. I'm ready to face my past and fix what my mother did. I open the gates and am greeted by several stares. Everything is quiet as I walk towards the castle I once lived in. Nobody says a word. 

As I walk, parents are puling their children out of the way, people are coming out of their homes, and everyone is watching. I keep walking despite being extremely uncomfortable but I continue to look strong with my back straight and my head up. I am walking like a princess. 

I make it to the door of the castle and I open it. I see my uncle sitting on the throne and he immediately stands up. 

"Y/N?" he asks I nod my head as he begins to run towards me. He engulfs me in an embrace. "We thought you died. A guard saw you board a ship and we thought you were gone forever."

"It was my father's ship." His face falls for a second before he smiles again.

"All that matters is that you are home and safe. The new Queen of Ambia. Your coronation will be this evening. The people of Ambia will be thrilled. I loved your mother very much, she was my only sister, but I hope that you take Ambia in a better direction. Get some rest you have a big day a head of you." I know that I am no longer trapped in a cell but I still feel like a prisoner. 

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