The Heart of the Truest Believer

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Peter thinks he might have found the answer to our problem but he wont tell me what it is. He rarely come out if his tent anymore and he's only been speaking to me. We're all worried about him.

"Peter, can I come in." I ask. I expected him to refuse but surprisingly he let down the barrier spell he cast on his tent. I go inside and see that it's messier that I've ever seen it before. There are books, papers, scrolls and it looks like he hasn't cleaned it in weeks.

"Morning" That's was all he said. He kept rummaging through the piles of paper. I noticed a drawing. I picked it up. It was of a boy wearing a strange shirt. He had dark hair and looked like he was no older than twelve. Peter saw me with the drawing and immediately took it out of my hand.

"Peter, what's this?" I ask. He looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"He has the heart of the truest believer. Maybe with his heart, the curse will finally be broken." he explains. I sigh, taking the heart of an innocent boy is not the way to go.

"But, Y/N..."

"Peter, we need to find a safe solution. One that won't involve anyone dying or your heart blackening more. We've got to play this safe." I say hoping that he'll understand. He looks at me desperately.

"What if this is the only answer? What if there's no other way?" he asks. Of course there's another way. There's always another way.

"No!" I yell. Why would he even think of doing this."There's got to be. Peter, this isn't like you to to be willing to sacrifice a young innocent boy." I say. Its not like all hope is lost.

"But Y/N, what if this is the only way?"He asks looking into my eyes. The thought of him tricking an innocent boy into giving up his own heart made my heart break. The Peter I fell in love with would never consider this.

"Then maybe we're just not meant to be." I said. I was starting to tear up. Was killing an innocent boy really worth it to him.

"Y/N, I'm doing this for you!" He yells. "If you can't accept that this is me then by all means, go find someone else to share your life with. After all, I can just go see if Wendy..." I didn't let him finish. I held up my had and slapped it across his face.

"You are unbelievable! If you care about Wendy so mush then just go snog her. See if I care!" I yell. I storm out of the tent. I have no intention of staying for the bonfire. All eyes are on me as I run to the tree house Peter gave me when we confessed our love. It wasn't very big but it was perfect.

Picture of tree house

I lay down on the bed and silently cry myself asleep

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I lay down on the bed and silently cry myself asleep.

I wake up while it's still dark. I see a figure shaking e awake. I open my eyes to see that there are actually three people.  My eyes adjust to the light and I see that it's Bailey, James, and Thomas. 

"Y/N, can you please come to camp. Pan's gone crazy." she says.

"What has he done." I say concerned. My voice sounds terrible. Thomas looks at my with sympathy and so do James and Bailey.

"His demons are out again. He's threatening everybody especially Wendy." Thomas says.

"We think he might end up killing her." She says. I absolutely hate Wendy with everything I've got but that doesn't mean that I won't stop Peter from killing her. His heart will darken.

"What do we do" I say. I quickly get out of bed to put my boots on. I don't dress as a pirate anymore. Instead I wear the clothes that Peter offered me when I first got here.

"He's not in his right mind. He's really dangerous we might not stand a chance." Thomas says. James opens his mouth to speak.

"Great, we are all bloody inspired." James says. 

"Okay, listen, I have a plan that might work." I say. 


 I teleport us right outside of camp. I can see Peter yelling and cursing at everybody. 

"Okay, you guys stay here until I give the say so."  I grab James's  hand and we make ourselves visible to him which only angers him more.

"Nice to see you've moved on so quickly." I noticed that when he's angry, his accent is stronger and his eyes are a darker green that are almost black. He walks up to us. "You both look so adorable. Hard to tell who to kill first." He looks from me to James before speaking again. "No it isn't. You. You first" he says pointing at James. 

He takes out James's heart and squeezes it. James remains unaffected. I on the other hand clutch my chest and let out an agonizing scream. Peter, looking confused, stops crushing it. Peter runs to me to see if I was alright.

"Y/N?" Peter yells. "Y/N, love, look at me. Are you alright?" he asks. While Peter's distracted, I grab the heart and show it to him. He looks at me guilty and confused. I start to squeeze it. "Y/N, Love, Stop!" he yells. I crush it and it turns to dust. His eyes go back to their regular color and I can tell that everyone else noticed too.

By now everybody is looking at me. They're confused as to why I wasn't dead. Everything is silent until I speak up.

"Bailey, can you give us  back our hearts now?" I say. She rushes up to us. Bailey gives Thomas his heart first but Peter takes my heart before she can give it back to me. Instead of Bailey giving me back my heart, Peter does. He gently pushes it into my chest.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, I should never have gotten angry and said those things to you. can you forgive me?" He then Looks at James. "James I'm so sorry. I was angry and..." James puts his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"It was Y/N plan. If we didn't think of using enchanted wine skin made to look like our hearts then we'd probably have come up with a different plan. No hard feeling?" James asks.

"No hard feelings" Peter turns to me and quickly apologizes again and again. I know I can't kiss him so I hug him as though we hadn't seen each other in years. 

"Let's call it even since I did trick you into thinking I was crushing my own heart." I say. We smile at each other before embracing each other once more. 

"Y/N, I promise that I'll try to find another way." he says.

"I know you can. After all, Peter Pan never fails." He smiles again as everyone cheers. We all say goodnight and I head back to my tree house while others head to their tents.

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