Fighting a Demon

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"Y/N, wake up." I hear. "Y/N, get dressed. It's your first day as queen so there's a lot to get done." I open my eyes to see my Uncle Aaron.

"okay." I say to him. He leaves and soon Mary walks out of my closet putting away a needle and thread. I know what this means and I'm not exited for it. I have to wear a dress fit for a queen. 

"Queen Y/N" She says. God, I'm never going to get used to this.

"You can just call me Y/N" I tell her. She smiles sweetly and nods her head.

"Y/N, you're dress is ready." 

"Okay. Thank you." I say to her. I get out of bed to see the dress she just made. 

"Anytime." She says with a smile and a bow before she leaves.  I go to my closet to see the dress she made for me. It was was a long pink dress with a lace back and a ribbon around the waist. I put it on but I have trouble with the back.

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"Here, let me help." I hear. I almost let out a scream before my mouth is covered. "Princess, It's just me."Okay, it's just Peter. I let out a relieved sigh that's muffled by his hand still on my mouth. I stick my tongue out and lick his hand causing him to let go and wipe his hand on his shirt. I stick my tongue out causing him to chuckle lightly. 

"Well, what are you waiting for. You offered to help didn't you?" he smiles before helping me with the back of my dress.

"So what is the Queen of Ambia doing today?"He asks sounding really amused.

"Well I think I have to find out about that great evil my mother unleashed."

"What did the black fairy want?"I sigh before turning to face him.

"She wants me to find the savior." I say. He looks serious and confused and it's pretty much a reflection of my reaction to it last night.

"Why?" He asked

"I don't know but I have a feeling its not good." He nods in understanding. I don't think that I can trust her.

"I'm sure we'll figure a way out of this." He says.

"I hope so." "I've got to go. Maybe I'll see you later?" He nods in agreement before disappearing. I walk out of my room to the throne room and sit down feeling extremely nervous. I don't want to let anyone down and I don't want them to know that I'm not exited about being queen.

"Your Highness!" I hear someone call. 

"Yes?" I look up realizing that I had my head in my hands.

"The demon you mother unleashed was spotted right outside the castle!"

"Demon?" I say feeling shocked and slightly upset. My other unleashed a freaking demon? How does that even happen?

"That is correct."They say "A demon has been terrorizing the villagers."

"Okay, I'll handle this."I say getting up. If anyone is leaving this castle to fight a demon it's going to be me. "Tell my uncle I'll be right back" At least I have an excuse to go out.

"Your highness?" The question worriedly.

"I can handle this." I tell them. 

"Very well."

I go back to my room to get dressed for hunting a demon. I assume that It will get messy so It'll be best to wear something like what I wore in Neverland. I grab a bow and arrow from the armory and then I'm ready to go.

 I grab a bow and arrow from the armory and then I'm ready to go

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"Y/N! What do you think you're doing?" I hear my uncle call.

"Hunting a demon" I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. He's not going to stop me. I'm going.

"You're the queen. That's not your job." He says.

"My job is to do what's best for Ambia. If killing this demon is what it takes then so be it." I say with my head up. To be honest, his height is slightly intimidating. 

"You're just seventeen years old. I already lost your mother, don't make me loose another family member." I sigh in response. He's always trying to look out for me but I'm seventeen years old. I don't need a babysitter. Especially if it's an uncle who is only five years older than me. I pretty much grew up with him.

"Aaron, I was trained to fight." I tell him.

"But..." I interrupt before he make some excuse for one of the knights to go instead on me. 

"And my father taught me to fight.  And  someone I love very much taught me a few other things." I tell him. He looks about ready to give up.

"I don't want you getting hurt." he says into his hands. 

"Trust me Aaron, I can handle myself." I say.

"Okay, but be safe."


"What the hell!" I yell looking at that thing

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"What the hell!" I yell looking at that thing.  It's a floating head. It's a grey floating head that is screaming and killing people. It's a demon that 's killing people to death!

It flies at me fast and I quickly duck so that it doesn't hit me. It screams again and it sounds like a wailing cat. I shoot an arrow but I miss by about an inch. It flies at me again and this time I have to roll out of the way. It keeps screaming and screaming and I'm really starting to get fed up with this thing. 

It stops in mid air and turns towards me with it's mouth open. it begins to spit out a black fluid that touches my hand. I scream because it burns. I wipe it off on my shirt and shoot another arrow. I miss again. 

"What the hell am I doing this for?" I say to my self. "I have magic." I put down the bow and use the spell Peter taught me to freeze things. Once it's stopped I take a knife from my belt and stab the demon. "Okay, that sort of wasn't so hard. Why am I talking to myself?" I take the demon by the hair and put in a sack I found. 

Well, at least this is one problem I don't have to worry about anymore. But now I still have to worry about ruling a kingdom, finding the savior, and stopping the black fairy, and helping Peter break that curse. I have a lot to do.

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