The Savior

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"Peter!" I called. If anyone can help me find the savior its got to be Peter. He probably knows more about this stuff than anyone.

"Yes, princess?" He appears  hear behind me. I turn around to answer him but I didn't actually think of what I was going to say and how to begin to say it.

"I... um, well..." I say. Re raises an eyebrow which sort of distracts me more.

"Yes?" He asks impatiently. I take a closer look at him and notice that there are bags under his eyes and that he looks extremely irritated. If someone else looked like that i'd be worried about their health but on Peter it looks strangely attractive.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He sighs dramatically before answering.

"It's Windy. She won't leave me alone." He says.

"Don't you mean Wendy?"

"Sure, anyway, I need you to come back. I need her to see that I'm still yours."He begs. I really really want to go back and teach Wendy a lesson more making moves on my boyfriend but have to stay here.

"Peter, I want to but..."I begin.

"But what?"He asks confused and upset.

"There are somethings that I have to do first." I say. I cant go back yet. If only I knew another way.

"Like what?" He asks getting angrier. 

"Like finding the Savior." I say sheepishly. Gosh, when he's like this it make me feel so upset and I want him to be happy but he's not.

"Why would you have to find the Savior?" His facial expression changes from angry to furious."She told you to didn't she?"

"Who?" I ask although I already know the answer. He doesn't look convinced though and I know that I'm not getting out of this.

"I think we both know who I'm talking about." He says glaring at me.

"Please, Peter! I don't want you guys getting hurt!" I beg. She Threatened our friend. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me. If she wants me to find the savior, I'll do it because I care about my friends.

"So not only did you let her kidnap you but you let her blackmail you?" He says still glaring at me. I honestly didn't have a choice. She's the black fairy. She created the dark curse. She is hundreds of times more stronger than me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I'm doing this for you!" I yell back. I turn away from him so that he doesn't see the tears in my eyes. "Fine, you don't have to help. I can do this on my own."

"Y/N..." He says walking closer. I walk out to the balcony where he helped me escape all that time ago. It feels like a life time ago. I am definitely not the same person I was back then.

"No, you've made yourself perfectly clear." I stand up straight but I still refuse to face him. "I think you should leave."

"Y/N." He begs but I don't listen.

"Goodbye, Peter." I know he's gone now but I still don't want to turn around. I have my priorities. I need to find the savior.

Now, that I really think about it, I think my mom has something to use. If she was able to summon a demon then that means that she probably had magic. Maybe she has something that could help.

I walk to my mother's room which is all the way on the other side of the castle. I use my magic to unlock the door since Mary is the only one with the key. I don't really want to explain to her what I'm doing. Once I'm inside I try to look for anything that might help.

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