Lost Girl

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We appear at some sort of camp. 

"Come." Pan demands.

"I'm not a dog." I yell. 

"Really? You should look in a mirror, Princess"  First he ruins my life not once but twice then he insults me. I punch his jaw just like last time then I storm past him into the trees.

"Y/N! Get back here!" he says. I don't normally cry easily but it's been a horrible day. I've had to leave the ones I love and now I' being called a... .Pan grabs my arm and forces me to face him. at first he looks mad but then his face softens. 

"Y/N, I... sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." he said. If he didn't mean to offend me than why did he say that. Why doesn't he leave me alone. I sigh.

"What did you mean to do?" I ask. I stare at his jaw where I hit him. It was beginning to turn into a bruise. I smiled at my work before continuing to listen

"I don't really know?" he sounds unsure. I walk back to the camp but before I get there I realize something.

"Wait?" I stop. Pa looks at me questioningly. "I've been here before." 

"That's impossible." He says confused.

"In a dream. When I lived in a castle with my mother, I'd dream of this place almost every night." I look at him and he is looking at me as though he could not believe what I'm saying.

"Like I said before, love, That's impossible. If you've been here, even if a dream, I'd know it." he said. "If you can prove it, then I'd believe you but..." 

"But I can. There's a waterfall on this island  that's hidden by a poisonous plant called dream shade and there's a beach. I can lead you to both."

"I think that's proof enough." he says stunned. "But Why don't I remember?" he asks himself. He then looks like he had an idea. "Wait, before we solve this, we need to do something. I won't make you my prisoner. Instead, I'll make you our very first Lost Girl. We can..." he says. I begin to think about how my dad left before I could say goodbye. Was he really that upset? Peter, I mean Pan, hasn't done a single thing that could make my situation better and now he expects me to join him? My dad didn't seem to care about me when I left the ship. Maybe the whole 'protecting me' thing was all just a lie. If my dad does not care about me then I'd might as well do something that'd upset him. Revenge might just run in the family.  "How does that sound?" he finishes. Okay, I wasn't paying attention but I'll pretend I was.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I say sarcastically. I can tell he knows that I have no clue what he just said but he does not say anything about it. Just because I'm becoming a lost girl does not mean that I have to like him right? We walk back to the camp in silence, thankfully.  It seems as though all the lost boys are back. Three of them come up to us.

"Y/N, These were the very first lost boys. They were in the same boys home as me. St. Norbert's was it's name. Y/N, This is Thomas, James, and Felix." he said motioning to each one. James was a bit taller than me. He had light skin and light brown hair. 

"Nice to meet you Y/N." He spoke with a British accent. It wasn't like Pan's. James's voice was kind and welcoming.

Thomas had black hair and he is actually really tall. "I'm Thomas."

Felix was the boy who I had cut during our fight. He remained quiet while I began to feel guilty. It stopped bleeding at least. I don't really know why, but I walked closer to him. I put my hand up to the cut but, before I touched it, a light blue light glowed from my hand and the cut healed into a scar. Confused as to what I had just done I screamed. Thomas, Peter, and Felix looked stunned but James tried to shut me up.

"Y/N, Calm down, love. Just..." I kept screaming. "Just calm..." finally he had enough of my screaming so he covered my mouth and whispered in my ear. "Love, you need to calm down. Can you do that for me?" I stopped screaming and nodded my head. To be honest, that was really soothing.

"Y/N, Can I speak to you" Pan asks. I go with him to his tent. He starts looking for something inside of a chest. When he finds what he's looking for, he comes up to me. It was a strange looking  magnifying glass. He puts it up to my eye then looks surprised. 

"Well, well, well princess, looks like I'm not the only one with magic." he said smirking.

"Can you stop smirking and what do you mean I have magic?" 

"Through this" he holds up the magnifying glass, "If your eyes are black you have dark magic, white if you have light magic, and normal if you have no magic. Your eyes were both black and white. Now, that is rare for someone who has never used magic before. It means you're special." He says.

"Okay..." I'm not really sure what to say to that. "Well, lost girl, looks like you could be really useful to me." he says before leaving. Why would he need me and why is he being so nice all of a sudden?

During the celebration, Pan begins to plays the panpipes. He is actually really talented but I'd rather go to the underworld that say that to him.

Boys begin to dance around a bonfire. The only people not participating are James, Thomas, Felix, Pan, and I. James and Thomas sit by me. 

"So, you have magic?" Thomas asks. 

"Yeah, well, according to Pan." I say. I look at James and take in his features a bit. He's handsome, but it looks like he's had a rough past. 

"Pan may seem like a bloody demon but" he says but is interrupted. 

"He's more like a dolphin." Thomas buts in laughing. I can't help but laugh too and apparently neither can James. He has such a cute laugh.

"Y/N." Pan says, "The sleeping arrangements are a bit complicated. We all agreed, except Felix, That you will be sharing a tent with James and Thomas. Don't worry, they've agreed to no funny business."

I was about to disagree until Pan assured that there will be separate beds.

I went to the tent and noticed that there were three beds, three dressers, and a door that led to a bathroom. I went back outside and noticed that it was bigger on the inside. I walked around the tent then back inside.

"It's bigger on the inside!" I say. 

"Trust me, Love, I know." James says before entering followed by Thomas.

"I think he likes you" Thomas says following James into the tent.

I THINK I might like him too.

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