The Escape Plan

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"What are you doing?" i yelled. This can't be happening! This can't be happening! Why would he do this and who is he? If the guards are able to defend the castle then I am in a whole lot of trouble. Will my mother sentence me to death? does seem like something she'd do. I've got to stop this.

"It was your wish, princess! What? Don't tell me you didn't want this to happen?' he laughed. I ran into the castle and see my mother. She sees me and then points.

"Guards! It was the Princess!" she yelled. WTF!!! The guards start running towards me. I have to lift my dress up a little to try to get away. Before they get to me, the boy shows up again. He has a sword and there is another one of his friends with him. This one has a club instead of a sword. I would start panicking now if  my life isn't in danger.

They stop the guards from reaching me, as though they were deliberately trying to save my life. I run to my room and barricade the door. What started out as a wonderful night ended up becoming a total nightmare! I need to find something to defend myself with.

I search for the dagger I was given by a one-handed pirate. I was only six but who the heck cares. I'm a freaking princess! That does not mean I don't know how to defend myself. I find it inside my wardrobe.

I hear the guards at my door. The door won't last much longer so I go to my balcony. Unfortunately, I don't see anyway down. I think it's safe to say that I'm pretty much as good as dead.

Suddenly, I hear that familiar voice again. "What's wrong Princess, did your little escape plan fail?" he said smugly. Ugh! If he wasn't so handsome I'd probably punch him in the face. Actually, he did help ruin my life in one night so... "What the hell!" I hear him yell after my fist connects with his jaw.

"Who are you?" I yell.

"I'm Peter Pan." He's glaring at me but I chose to ignore him.

"That also doesn't explain how you got in here" I say glaring back.

"I have magic. Now, I apologize if I upset you, but you need to get out of here." he says hurriedly. I don't believe him about the magic until he waves his hand over me and then my red ball gown turns into green dress and a cloak.

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"How did you do that?" I ask.

"I already told you. Magic" he says before disappearing. I then spot something that wasn't there before. there was a rope long enough to swing to the ground. I have to hurry before the door breaks. I swing down and start running. I'm sure that if I make it to the docks that I can convince one of the pirates to let me board their ship.

I keep running until I reach the docks. I see the pirate with one hand who gave me the dagger.

"Hey!" I yell. The pirate sees me looking confused.

"Please! I need help." I took out the dagger. "you gave this to me when I was young. Can you please give me one last thing. I need to leave this place. I'm willing to pay." I say between breaths.

"Why do you want to leave? Is there something wrong? Are you in trouble?" He said worried.

"If you help me, I'll tell you but you have to promise not to go back on your word." I say. I can't tell him right now for the risk of him turning me in. "Please, I'll pay."

"There's no need to pay. Consider it a gift." He says. He looks behind me. I turn to look but he stops me.

"Come on." he says hurrying me onto the ship." We set sail and then he asks to talk to me privately.
"Okay so what happened back there?" He asked.

"Okay, so, my mother arranged a marriage between me and someone whose name I forgot. She hosted a ball so that the engagement could be announced but I ended up meeting someone else." I said.

"That was why they were after you?"

"No. After this boy and I danced for a while, he took me to the garden. He asked if we've met before and I said no. Then, he asked me what I wished upon the star. He was very convincing so I told him. Then he held up a dagger and yelled 'Lost Boys'. Then they raided the castle. I went in to try to stop then but mother sent the guards after me then the boy, who said his name was Peter Pan, helped me escape." I finished. It feels like days ago that my mother told me about the engagement when in reality it's been less than twenty-four hours.

"Did you say Peter Pan?" He asked suddenly becoming more serious than before.

"Yes, Why?" I asked curiously

"Because he may look like a boy but he's a bloody demon." He began pacing. I looked around the room awkwardly. I noticed something familiar.

I walked towards it. It was a drawing of my mother except she was younger and she was actually smiling.

"What's this?" I asked angrily.  He looked shocked and ashamed. "Are you helping her or me?"

"It's not what you think." He sighed. "You're mother and I used to be lovers almost seventeen year ago"

That can't be. I'm almost seventeen" I say.

"have you ever met you're father?" he asks.

"No, my mother always told me that he was a dirty pirate, but I never believe anything she says." i respond. Suddenly everything fell into place. Is he...

"Good, because you've just boarded his ship." He says. Never mind, for a second I thought that he was going to say that he was friends with my dad but loved my mother so he went on some life changing quest to find himself and kill my dad. What he actually said made more sense.
I suddenly look at him more closely. He has a hook for a hand.
"You're my dad?" He nodded. "What is your name?" I ask.
"Killian Jones, but most people know me by the name Captain Hook. And I just happen to know that your name is Y/N. I know because I was the one who named you."He says
"Okay, so does that make me Y/N Jones or Y/N Hook?" I ask
"Whichever you prefer"
"Okay, then Y/N Jones it is." I say reaching out to shake his hand.

"Here let me show you to your room." I follow him below deck until we reach the farthest door. He opens it and inside are dresses but not like I'm used to. There's leather, cotton, and few silk tops.
I turn to him and for the first time I hug him. He hesitantly hugs back. I guess he's not used to having much of a family.

I go to my bed as he leaves. It's not like my bed at the castle but I love it. I love my room, my clothes, my dad, and my new home.

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