Another Fresh Start

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I walk out of the tent and look at the sky. The sun is going to rise soon so I decide to go to the beach to look at the sunrise. Hearing footsteps behind me, I decide not to stop. They probably want to look at the sunrise too.

I get to the beach and sit down on the sand. I'm far enough away that the eater will mot reach me. I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I see four figures standing a few feet away.

"Y/N, what are you doing so far away from camp?" Pan asks.

"I want to enjoy the sunrise." I sounded annoyed but that's probably because I am. Pan always seems to get on my nerves. Why did this have to happen to me? Okay, now I'm starting to get on my nerves. I should be optimistic because at least I'm making friends. Thomas and James will probably help me stay sane here. Although I wish there could be another girl here that I could talk to.

"We can enjoy it with you." James offered quickly. He's really nice. Suddenly Thomas splashes him with water from.

"Yeah, James, I'm sure you'll enjoy the 'sunrise'" Thomas teased. I don't really get it but oh well. James then splashes water at Thomas who splashes Pan an Felix. They end up having an all out splash war.

"Y/N, come on, don't be such a fun killer." Thomas says before splashing me. Everybody stops and looks back and forth between Thomas and me. I don't really know how it  happened but as I tried to wipe some water off my face, my hands glowed blue again and a big wave came over all four boys.

"Now that's how you do it" Thomas yelled with pumping his fist in the air. James chuckled at him.

We hear a scream coming from above us. Two females are being dropped into the water by a shadow. They look at us and after a few seconds one of them starts yelling.

"Help me! I can't swim." Peter and James run over to them. I go to help but Thomas holds me back.

"They've got this." He said. "Besides, Peter and James would kill me if one of the mermaids got you."

"What are mermaids?" I asked. They don't sound like the kind of maids I've met in the castle.

"They're half human half fish. Now compared to Peter, they are the bloody demons" he says. They sound weird.

I hear one of the guys curse. I quickly turn my head towards them. I see James and Pan arguing then Pan and the girls are engulfed in purple smoke and appear next to us.

Where's James!" I yell at him. He doesn't answer me. Instead he disappeared in purple smoke again. I turn around and see Pan in the water again carrying two figures to shore. One of them has a fish tail instead of legs and the other is James.

He drops them both at shore. I run to James who's shin is split open. He is panting and sweating. I then notice that he has another wound as well. I lift up his shirt to reveal a deep stab wound. I look at the mermaid and see it carrying a strange looking knife.

I don't know what comes over me but I reach into its chest and take out a heart. It's mostly black which makes me tighten my grip on it.

"Y/N?" I hear I look behind me and see Pan look at me with worried eyes. "Y/N, give me the heart." I look at James, Thomas, Felix, and then I see Bailey. She nods and I give the heart to Pan. He crushes it into dust causing the mermaid to fall dead.

I rush over to James who looks about ready to pass out.
"Oh, hey Love." He says. I look and Pan and he comes over.

He waves his hand over the stab wound and it heals completely.  He does the same to James's shin and it heals except for a slightly noticeable scar. James falls unconscious afterwards. I turn to thank Pan but he's talking to Bailey and the other girl.

"Who are you two?" He asks angrily. The blonde girl is the first to answer.

"I'm Wendy, Wendy Darling." She says getting close to him and batting her eyelashes. He ignores her and turns to Bailey. Before he questions her I go to hug her. She is my best friend after all.
"Bailey, how did you get here?" I ask.
"Well, it's a long story, she says tearing up."

We walk back to camp and because were the first ones back we have the camp all to ourselves. James is in our tent resting.
"So, Bailey, can you tell me what happened?" She begins tearing up again.

"So, I saw Daniel with another girl, and then he tried to lie to me about it." She starts crying and I try my best to comfort her. It doesn't seem like Daniel to cheat. He worships the ground she walks on. There's got to be another side of the story. "I stormed off but Daniel kept following me and trying to talk. We started arguing when all of a sudden the wind grew stronger and I fell of he side of the ship. Then a shadow flew down and caught me and then dropped me in the ocean."

She said now bawling her eyes out. Some of her makeup was starting to smear. I've never seen Bailey like this ever. Did things really get that bad in the one week I was gone.

"Y/N, can I have a word with you." I hear Pan ask.
I pat Bailey on the back before getting up to se what he wants. "Y/N, you need to be more careful when you use magic. I could tell that you didn't know what you were doing or how you were doing it so I've decided to train you"

"Thanks" I mumble. "Will James..."
"He'll be fine but he's going to have a limp for the rest of his life" he said.
"I'm just glad he's okay" we stand in awkward silence as Pan stares at me.
"I'm going to go now." I say not knowing what else to say.
"Yeah, um, that's fine" he mumbles.

I go into the tent I share with Thomas and James and see James lying in bed.

"Hey, how are you doing" I ask.

"I'm fine, Love" He says looking int my eyes. He scoots over to make room for me on the bed.

"Are you sure?" I joke. He raises an eyebrow and gets up.

"Y/N, what are you thinking about?" He asks with a strange look in his eye. He walks towards me with an unnoticeable limp. My back hits the bathroom door.

"You." I say. I don't really know what's going on but I don't want it to end.

"Really?" He says with amusement in his voice. I nod my head hoping that he's about to do what I think he's going to do. His forehead touches mine and his lips get closer.

"James!" Thomas yells from outside. James squeezes his eyes as curses under his breath. "James!" Thomas yells louder.

"Sorry, love." He says before walking out of the tent.
Well, that could have gone better. I think that I actually really like him. A lot.

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