The Jolly Roger

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I wake up startled by the motion of the ship rocking back and forth. I open my eyes then close them again while recalling everything that happened last night. It was freaking crazy! Peter...what was his last name? It was either Pan or Parker or... no. His name was Peter Pan. Why did he do what he did? Where is he from?

I hear a knock on the door and a voice saying, "Y/N, mind if I come in?". I look in the mirror and see that it looks as though I hadn't slept in days. The stress of last night must be taking a physical toll on me. If I ever see that Peter Pan again, I am going to give him one hell of a slap to the face that not even his stupid magic can heal.

"Come in" I say. My dad walks in with a smile on his face. It must be nice to start every morning with a smile.  The last time I smiled was when I danced with Peter the happiness that came with that evaporated about a little over an hour afterwards. So, yeah, I don't smile often.

"So, since you must not be familiar with this ship or the crew, I thought it would be good to introduce you to them and give you a tour." he said. He just met me but he's acting as though he's known me my whole life.

"Okay. I think that that'd be a great idea." I say.

"So, starfish, What would you like to start off with?" he says motioning towards the hall. I get out of bed and follow him out.

"I think it would be nice to meet the crew then show me around" I really am excited to meet new people. Especially if i'm going to be living with them.

As we walk, he shows me the rooms that belong to the crew. The crew consists of people named Mr.Smee, Wibbles, Bill Jukes, Black Murphy, Mullins, Turk, Starkey, Skylights, Sharky and Bones, and Damien Salt.

Wibbles, AKA Ship is tall and blond and looks like he's in his late teens and he loves to be social. He is also very kind. Bill Jukes is in his mid thirties, with black hair, and a love for painting. Black Murphy is about the same age as Ship but he is a little shorter and has dark brown hair instead of blond. Mullins and Starkey are twins with red hair, and so are Sharky and Bones but they are three years older and have dark hair, the four of them love being pirates, reading, and pranking the rest of the crew.

Now, Skylights is a female. She is only three months older than me. Her real name is Bailey. She has long black hair and is very funny and kind. She is also in love with Damien Salt, who prefers to go by Daniel. He is clumsy, funny, smart, and in love with Bailey as well.

Everyone seems like such nice people. It would really be hard not to be friends with them. So far, Ship, Bailey, and Daniel seem like my closest friends.

After meeting the crew,
"Dad?" I ask, "How did you become a pirate?" I ask.

"It's a long story." He sighed and then turned away from me. "I think it would be best if we save that story for another time."

"Sorry, why don't you just tell me the name of the ship", I offered.

"The ship is called the Jolly Roger. I'm sure that they crew are all happy to meet you...especially that boy, Ship." He said raising an eyebrow. I blushed because I knew he was right.

When I was first introduced to Ship he couldn't stop mumbling about how beautiful he thought I was. To be honest, I thought it was really cute. 

"SHIP!!!" my dad yelled. Ship came running down. He looked at me so I smiled. He smiled back but immediately started blushing again which caused me to blush more. "Ship, I have to take care of a few thing so you will be in charge until I get back. Could you also give Y/N a tour of the Jolly Roger?"

"Of course." He took my hand leading me upstairs where everyone else is while my dad left the ship. He showed me the galley, the captain's quarters, the orlop deck, then we went back to the galley and stole a few empty crates to make a small fort.

"So, it the pirate life everything you hoped it would be?" he asked

"Yep." I said nodding my head. I then start staring at him but my mind then goes straight to Pan. Not about what he did but just about him. I want to know more about him. 

"I get up out of the fort, which is in my room. Ship gets out too and walks close to me. 

"Sorry if this sounds rude," I say, "But get out. I need to go to my mind palace." I say. He looks at me confused so I explain.  "It means I need to think. A lot happened yesterday that is really confusing and so I need to think some more about it." 

"Oh, there's no need to apologize."he said smiling but before he left, he gently and quickly pressed his lips to mine.  "See you later, princess." he says.

Princess. That was what Pan kept calling me. Why can't I get him out of my head.

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