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"Luke Hemmings, will you fucking move it!" Liz was shouting at the top of her lungs, but her hands were occupied with boxes to be moved to the back room of her tiny flower shop. "God, could you take any longer? I need these moved by noon!"

Luke Hemmings. A boy with several stick'n'poke tattoos and a ring that was pierced through his bottom lip. A pair of dreamy blue eyes, and a wide, toothy grin that took up the majority of his face, with a dimple in his left cheek.

Liz had owned this small flower shop for what seemed like years, but in reality, it was only seven months. Out of the kindness of her heart, she'd decided to hire her son to help out on weekends, but she was instantly regretting her decision when she saw how little Luke worked, and how much focus was on his phone.

"Look, I've never worked in a flower shop, I don't know how you expect me to know what to do?" Luke groaned out loudly as he stumbled behind his mother, two boxes stacked on his hands. "You've worked in flower shops for however many years, why should I have to do these things?"

"Listen, you asked me for a job. All I've asked you to do is move boxes. That's it!" Liz was starting to lose her temper as they finally reached the back room, and she placed the boxes down onto the table before turning around to face her son. "No wonder you don't have a girlfriend with all the moping and moaning you do,"

Luke gasped as he listened to his mother's words, and he placed the boxes in his hands down on top of the other boxes, before he turned to properly look at his mother.

"I'll remember you said that the day that I finally bring a girl home," Luke said confidently as he rolled his eyes, but his mother was quick to smack at his arm.

"You'll bring no girl home with an attitude like that," Liz spoke more confidently than her son, and that's probably where he got the bursts of it from. "Now, just move boxes. That's all you have to do."

Liz then walked back out to the main floor of the shop, and behind the counter, waiting for any customers to walk in. As she waited, she decided to adjust the radio that was playing static sounds, but jumped out of her skin when she heard her son complaining in front of her once more.

"Mum, I know you just told me to stack boxes, but that's boring!" Luke groaned and he let his hands rest on the counter as he tilted his head, giving his mother the best puppy dog eyes he could, batting his eyelashes. "Can't you please do the boxes and I'll look after the counter, please?"

Liz could only roll her eyes and groan, eventually giving into her sons needy whines, moving out from behind the counter.

"Fix the radio then," Liz said as she let her fingers tap against the countertop, her head shaking slowly as she cleared her throat. "And please know, if you fuck up even one thing, Luke, I will rip-,"

As Liz was talking, the bell to the tiny shop rang throughout the small room, and both heads turned to watch as Ashton Irwin, a boy from Luke's school walked in with a shy look on his face.

"I wasn't interrupting anything was I?" Ashton said softly and slowly as he watched the mother and son, having a soft laugh to himself as Liz stood back up properly, moving to let Luke slide behind the counter.

"Not at all, dear. Take as long as you need," Liz spoke slowly and sweetly, but she gave Luke a glare that was almost deathly. "Luke will serve you when you're ready,"

"Woah, I didn't say I was ready to-,"

"Luke, don't make me come back there," Liz spoke as she started to walk towards the back room, her hands picking up more boxes on the way.

Ashton Irwin. A sweet boy with dirty blonde curls, and a pair of turtle shell glasses that he wore on an almost daily basis. A pair of small, tanned hands that were often around a paper coffee cup, and a gorgeous set of brown eyes that Luke was currently so focused on.

"Hey, I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings. You're probably wondering how I started working in this stupid fucking flower shop, but-,"

"Actually, I'm not wondering. I'm just here to pick up some tulips."

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