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"Are you ever gonna forgive me? Please, I want to fix this, I love us together," It was 9am, and Ashton already had Erica in his ear, moaning and whining about getting back together.

"Erica, if you loved us together that much, you wouldn't have cheated on me, more than once," Ashton rolled his eyes as he raked through his locker, trying to find his physics textbook.

"But, it wasn't more than once, it was only one person," Erica defended, and she let her hands touch Ashton's shoulder for a second, before he pulled away from her.

"Don't touch me." Ashton spoke with a blunt tone, his attention being turned back to his locker, trying to ignore that Erica was even there. "How many times did you have sex with him, huh?"

"That doesn't matter, it was still only one person!" Erica was starting to get frustrated and her hands were shaking. "Please, Ash. We can get through this, we get through everything else,"

"No, we can't. We got through everything else because it was always you accusing me of shit that wasn't true." Ashton rolled his eyes and he took his textbook out of the locker, slamming it closed.

Ashton took his bag off of his back, and he unzipped it, sliding the textbook into it before he ran his fingers through his hair, zipping his bag closed again.

"Any other time, I'd want to fix it. But you accused me of cheating so many times, even with a guy," Ashton could only roll his eyes as he pulled his bag back over his shoulders properly, before he slid his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.

"Ashton, seriously, please," Erica shook her head and she reached for Ashton's arm, and she watched as the other took a step back from her.

"No. I'm sorry, but no. We're not together, I'm not going to get accused of cheating when it's actually you," He rolled his eyes before he turned around and started to walk towards his physics class, leaving Erica in the common area.

She let out a loud groan and she let her hands bang against the lockers a few times, her cheeks now bright red, tears now rolling down her face. It was just then that she noticed Luke Hemmings at his own locker.


Luke wasn't looking his best. He'd lost his cocky, confident attitude, and he could barely breathe without shaking. He looked pale, and he wore a hoodie that was two sizes too big. He kept himself quiet, and he tried to stay as far away from Ashton as he could, but that was hard to do when their lockers were on the same row.

He searched through his locker for his music portfolio, knowing that he had music for a double period, which could maybe cheer him up. Maybe he'd write a song about heartbreak, or maybe he'd smash up his guitar. But his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a bang on the lockers not too far along from them.

He looked over for a minute, and he turned his attention back to his portfolio, digging through old sheets of music and drawings he'd done for his art class. After he'd found it, he took it out and closed his locker over. Luke never took a bag to school, only his guitar which he'd already left in the music department.

"Luke, Luke Hemmings," His attention was turned to Erica who was now standing at the side of him, slamming his locker closed.

"Oh, hi Erica. What is it?" Luke asked slowly as he listened to the locker slamming closed,the sound sending a ringing through his ears.

"This is your fault," Erica had tears streaming down her face, but she looked angrier than Luke had ever seen her.

"What? What's my fault?" Luke asked softly, licking across his lips as he turned to face Erica properly, and he let out a grunt as she shoved him backwards, watching his music sheets fall out of his folders and all over the floor.

"You told Ashton about Sean. He broke up with me, and he isn't even considering getting back together, and it's your fault." Erica was shouting, and Luke had immediately gotten down onto the ground to pick up his music, but Erica was quick to stand on a few sheets so he couldn't leave so quickly.

"Why, why would you tell him? Do you have a crush on him or something?" Erica asked, tilting her head to look down at the blonde boy who was desperately trying to pick up his music.

Luke could only shake his head. He didn't want to cause more of a scene than what was being caused, and he really didn't want for the whole school to find out about his crush on Ashton.

"Erica, please, just give me my music and leave me alone," Luke spoke slowly as he desperately tried to yank some sheets from under Erica's feet, gasping slightly as he heard a rip. "Please, I don't talk to Ashton anymore,"

"Erica, get the fuck off of his music, now," Luke kept his head down as he listened to the familiar voice, who happened to be Ashton.

"This is his fault! He shouldn't have told you!" Erica started to stamp around, and she gave Ashton a shove, before she looked back down at Luke, moving off of his music.

"This isn't his fault, it's yours. He didn't cheat on me, he didn't sleep with anyone behind my back." Ashton had started shouting back now, taking a hold of Erica's arm, pushing her to the side. "He didn't do shit, leave him alone,"

Erica let out a groan before storming off to her class, but Luke couldn't move. He stayed on the ground picking up his music sheets, and he let out a sigh. He then watched Ashton get down onto the ground, handing a few sheets to him. Luke tilted his head up as he listened to the other whisper.

"Meet me at the flower shop after school,"

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