Epilogue - twenty one.

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Months had past. Ashton had spent the rest of the school years focusing on his exams, but constantly wondering whether he would ever be able to talk to Luke again. Everything had ended so abruptly, and for once, Ashton was scared.

Luke did the opposite. He didn't look back after he walked away from Ashton. His feelings were gone and he was numb. He only cared about his one night stands and how his hair looked the morning after. That was more important than thinking about the boy with turtle shell glasses.

August 24th. Summer of 2018. Although it was becoming autumn quickly, it was still warm and the leaves weren't fully brown yet. There were several kids running around the streets, and around parks, and there were old couples outside of coffee shops, all bundled up for when the cold weather hit.

Luke had focused his attention into work, and although the flower shop reminded him of Ashton, and how terrible he was, he needed a job. Although his mother owned the place, he still got paid well, and he'd made friends with a young man named Jason.

They hooked up every now and then, but Luke made it clear that he didn't want anything too serious, because even though he had a lot of hate and aggression towards Ashton, he thought that maybe - just maybe, he'd give it a shot.

Luke loved blue bedroom walls and he loved how the other looked in his glasses (even though they had a small crack in the right lense), but he didn't know what he'd do if he ever came face to face with Ashton again (even though it was such a huge possibility).

Would he cry? Or would he become so angry that he'd finally be the one to punch Ashton?


"Luke, can you stop daydreaming? I don't know why you've been so weird, but it stops. You have a job to do," Luke was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his mother talking, and he nodded his head in response.

"Sorry, just thinking. It's all good," He replied slowly, sending a smile in the direction of his mum, watching as she nodded back to him.

"Well, I'm glad you're out of your little daze, because here comes a customer," Liz rolled her eyes and she turned around to walk towards the back of the store.

Luke then turned his attention to the door, listening as the bell echoed through the small shop, but a frown quickly took to Luke's face as he watched Ashton Irwin walk through the door.

His face was pale, and he'd grown a fair bit of stubble. It took Ashton at least a month to get out of the stubbly phase of his facial hair, so he'd obviously not shaved for a few weeks which wasn't like him.

He was wearing a deep maroon hoodie and a pair of black jeans, and he had a soft smile on his lips. He walked across to the counter and placed his hands down on it slowly, before he looked up at Luke.

"Hey," Ashton spoke slowly, his voice had become raspier than what Luke remembered, and that bothered him. It bothered him that he even spoke.

"Hey? That's it? That's all you have to say to me?" Luke asked, being quiet enough so that his mum wouldn't hear, but loud enough so that Ashton would hear.

"Please don't start this. I just need flowers Luke," Ashton rolled his eyes and he brought his hands through his light curls, shaking his head. "If it's that big of a problem, I'll go somewhere else."

Luke took a deep breath, and he let his hands ball in and out of fists a few times, before he nodded.

"What kind?" He mumbled slowly, coming out from behind the counter, and walking around to the chrysanthemums, knowing that they were his favourite.

"I actually need lillies. And carnations," Ashton spoke slowly, taking a deep breath. "My grandmother died last week, I'm on flower duty for the funeral."

"Oh." Luke was speechless, and he didn't know what to say - he was never good with being comforting. "I'm sorry to hear that,"

"Truth is, I wanted to see you. You always made me feel better even though I took you for granted and shit," Ashton shrugged and he looked up at Luke, tilting his head and taking another breath. "I don't expect for you to get it."

"Yeah, I don't get it. You don't like me, remember? You like girls, you're straight. But yet, you still decided to kiss me," Luke rolled his eyes and he walked around to the other flowers, pulling a few bouquets of flowers. "How many bouquets do you need. Do you need to have a special one made into a word or anything?"

"Four. My mum said she'd call up about that," Ashton spoke slowly and he pushed his glasses up his nose, shaking his head. "I've changed. I came out, didn't you see?"

"I have you blocked everywhere, Ashton. I didn't want to see anymore of you. In fact, I'm not enjoying this if I'm honest," Luke spoke and he walked back over to the counter, placing the flowers down and turning back to look at Ashton.

"That's fair, I was an ass," Ashton started to talk, and he let one hand reach out for Luke, but he let out a sigh as the other pulled his hand back. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to tell you that I want to be with you,"

Luke immediately stopped and he took a deep breath. Was this real? Was this happening? Everything slowed down, almost blurry. The smell of the lilies were prominent, and Luke - for once - didn't know what to do. He was stuck for words.

But then the blonde took a step forward and he let his hands slowly cup the others cheeks, fingers running against the stubble. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he leaned down, gently pushing their lips together in a soft kiss.

But the kiss didn't last long, and it wasn't as sweet as either of them expected. Luke pulled away after a few seconds and he slowly shook his head as he felt himself tearing up.

"I love you, believe me, I do. I spent months watching you from afar, and I spent so long trying to win your heart," Luke smiled softly and he let a tear slowly run down his cheek, "You made flowers grow in my lungs and my throat,"

Luke took a deep breath and he pressed a soft kiss against the others forehead, keeping his lips there for a moment, taking in the smell of the others hair and how his hands felt against the others cheeks, eventually letting them fall to his own side.

"It may be beautiful, but I can't breathe anymore," Luke muttered slowly against the others forehead, pulling away to look down at the other one last time.

His turtle shell glasses against the bridge of his nose, and a tear sliding down his own tanner, more chiselled cheek. The way that a large jumper sat against his body, and the way that Luke's hand slid past the others one last time.

"This is why I have to let you go,"

flowers ❀ lashton  [𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now