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"And maybe, I'll explain when you tell me who the fuck Dean is,"

Ashton had completely taken his thoughts back about trying to forget about what Luke had said. He was pissed, and angry, and his fists were balling in and out of fists at an almost rapid pace.

"Go on then, tell me who he is," Ashton had snapped, and you could tell by the way that he was now shouting that he wasn't going to take any of the others shit. Not tonight.

"Dean? Dean who?" Erica asked slowly, her brows furrowing as she thought about who on earth her boyfriend could've been talking about.

"Greasy hair, skinny build," Ashton said with a rather loud groan following after, feeling as if the other was playing stupid. "There's no point in acting like you don't know what I'm talking about."

"No, that's the thing. I know what you're talking about, I just don't know who you're talking about," Erica was still speaking slowly and quietly as she admitted to the others accusations, but not completely.

"Then who is it, huh? Some jock from the school football team? A kid who helps you with your work because I don't?" Ashton was losing it, his fingers were running through his hair desperately and his fists eventually stopped balling, and his fingers relaxed. "I can't believe this whole time, you've been accusing me of fucking other girls and you've been fucking someone else behind my back,"

"Well, I wasn't gonna do it in front of you, was I?" Erica rolled her eyes as she moved away from her desk, moving to sit down on her bed, looking over at her boyfriend as she shrugged. "Look, you barely give me any attention. What was I supposed to do, talk to you?"

"Well, yeah! That's exactly what you could've done, maybe told me how you felt." Ashton shook his head as he closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them, he watched Erica drag her body to her bed. "Who is it?"

"Sean." Erica said rather bluntly as she shrugged once more, her head tilting to the side slightly.

Both of the teens were shaking, one from anger and the other from guilt. Ashton was now laughing to himself and his head was shaking slowly as he licked across his lips a few times. Erica had a blank expression, and her hands were swirling against her thighs, not knowing what to say or do.

"That still doesn't explain why you lied to me about your appointment. Where did you go?" Erica asked softly, looking down at her legs now as she let her fingertips trace against her thighs, a soft sigh falling from her lips. "Did you fuck someone else? Another girl?"

Ashton scoffed slightly as he listened to the others words, finding it completely ridiculous that the other had the nerve to accuse him of this right now.

"Really? Did I fuck a girl?" Ashton rolled his eyes and he shook his head a few times, wrote he sat down in the swirly chair that had been left abandoned a few minutes ago. "No, I didn't. I went to see a friend."

"Why couldn't you just tell me that," Erica asked softly, looking back up at Ashton, slowly standing up and walking across to him, rubbing his back slowly, before jumping as the other raised his voice.

"Get your hands off of me, now." Ashton snapped at the other, tilting his head in the direction of where the other was now standing, his eyes completely dull. "I didn't tell you, because you'd assume that I was cheating on you, like you always accuse me of doing."

Erica shook her head a few times, letting her hands move back to rest in the pockets of the hoodie she'd pulled on after the other had left a few hours ago.

"I wouldn't have shouted at you. Why would I have done that if it was a guy friend?" Erica asked softly, gently licking across her lips as she walked back across to sit on the bed, leaving her boyfriend to cool down.

"Because, it's Luke Hemmings, and I know that you don't like him very much." Ashton spoke slowly as he let his body lean back against the others chair, his arms crossing over his chest, his glare focused on the others reaction, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"Luke Hemmings. The gay Luke Hemmings?" Erica grimaced at the sound of the others name, shaking her head as she shook her head. "Why would you go see him? What did he do, offer you a blowjob or something?"

"Oh for fucks sake, shut up!" Ashton groaned and he stood up, kicking the others chair against the wall, rolling his eyes as he picked up his phone. "Why would you even say that, or think that, huh?"

Erica stood up immediately as she watched the other grabbing his phone, and she quickly rushed over to him, grabbing his arm before he could leave.

"Where are you going?" Erica spoke quickly as her eyes started to fill with tears, her head shaking quickly. "Please stay, we can fix this. Please."

"No, fuck this. I'm not doing this anymore." Ashton pulled his arm away from Erica and her grip, scoffing slightly as he sent a quick message to his mother to let her know he was coming home soon.

"You can't go, it's late." Erica was begging now, and her hands were clasped together like a Christian, praying for her sins to be wiped away. "Please, we can work through this."

"No, we're over. I can't do this with you anymore." Ashton spoke again, shaking his head as he laughed at the others desperate actions, walking out of the others bedroom and across to her front door, opening it.

"Where are you going?" Erica shouted down the hall to the other, waiting for a reply from Ashton.

"I'm gonna go get a blowjob from Luke Hemmings."

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