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"Shit, what the fuck," Luke winced as he felt Ashton's fist come in contact with his nose.

The blonde's eyes closed and as the other let go of him, he let his hand come up to cover his nose, blood tricking down his cupid's bow and lip, landing in the palm of his hand. If there wasn't blood on his shirt before, there was now.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Ashton was cursing and shouting as two security guards grabbed his arms, pulling him away from Luke, trying to push him towards the door. "I'm being serious, get off!"

Ashton was being dragged out of the club, but he somehow managed to grab his phone from the table before he was chucked out of the doors, and onto the hard ground outside.

"You went too far, kid. No violence in here, none." One of the bouncers spoke with a low tone, his arms crossing over his chest as he moved to stand back in front of the door, shaking his head slowly.  "God, if you wanted to date him, you've got no hope now,"

"Will people stop saying that? I don't want to go out with him, Jesus! I don't like dick!" Ashton shouted now, pulling himself back up onto his feet, the bouncers almost immediately being ready to restrain the other if they needed to.

"Hey, calm down, macho man, I'm not gonna do anything. I'm going home," Ashton rolled his eyes and he turned around, starting to walk back in the direction of his house, but stopped in his tracks.

He turned back around to look at the bouncers, and he licked across his lips for a moment, before he took a heavy breath, and he cleared his throat to attract their attention quickly.

"Can you do me a favour?" He asked slowly, taking his phone out of his pocket, and slowly unlocking it, sending a text to his mum to let her know he'd be home soon.

"Depends, what is it, kid?" The bouncer spoke, rolling his eyes slightly as he tilted his head ever so slightly towards the other.

"Tell Luke I don't want to see him again."

flowers ❀ lashton  [𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now