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"Didn't expect to see you here, seeing as your straight and have a girlfriend," Luke had already plastered a smug grin across his face as his arms moved to cross over his chest.

Ashton rolled his eyes and he stood up, picking up his phone. He didn't know what to say, but he could only scoff to as he listened to the others words.

"Listen, I don't want to hear your stupid comments. I can't be bothered with them Luke," Ashton spoke as he let his free hand run through his messy hair, but his gaze was focused on the taller male who sat down in the chair across from Ashton.

"Right, you're the one who messaged me, so clearly you expected my stupid comments. Now, will you please sit down? God, you're drawing attention to us." Luke rolled his eyes to mock the other and he leaned back in his own chair, looking over at Ashton's, waiting for him to sit down.

It was moments like this where Ashton would usually turn and walk out the door, he wouldn't look back. But, he'd already ordered a drink, and although he didn't want to admit it, Luke wasn't exactly wrong. Ashton was the one who'd messaged Luke, and it was usually the other way around.

So, rather than turning and walking out of the door, he sat back down in his chair, putting his phone down on the table next to him.

"Good, obedient boy. Kind of like a dog," Luke smiled in the most innocent, kind way that he could, it he knew his words would eventually get to Ashton. "What's up, buttercup - hey, that's a flower, you like those."

"My god, that's so stupid," Ashton scoffed once more as he listened to the others last words about flowers, and he licked across his lips. "Nothing is up. I wanted to go out, I was on my way home from Erica's house."

"Oh, you wanted to go out, so you go to a gay club after leaving your girlfriends house. Sounds convincing, keep going," Luke smirked and he rolled his eyes, not believing a single word the other had to say.

Before Ashton could reply with anything, the two were interrupted by the server who'd taken Ashton's order a few minutes before. She gently placed the beer bottle down onto the table, and handed the curly haired boy a disposable bottle opener.

"Sorry for taking so long, we had a shortage, had to go into the back," She smiled softly and turned her attention to Luke, her expression immediately becoming happier. "Oh my, Luke Hemmings! I haven't seen you here in a while. Is this your boyfriend? He's very cute,"

"Hey, woah!" Ashton was quick to interrupt, his eyebrows furrowing, head tilting. "He isn't my boyfriend,"

"God, calm down," Luke turned his attention to Ashton for a moment, and then looked back to the server, giving her a smile. "I'm trying, believe me."

"I'll leave you both to it, sorry for interrupting. Shout for me if you need anything," The server spoke softly to the two, before sending a wink in Luke's direction, and then walking off.

Ashton could only let out a deep breath, picking up the bottle of beer, cracking the top off with his teeth rather than the bottle opener.

"Oh wow, I like someone who like's to make things more complicated than they really are," Luke spoke with a sarcastic tone, his eyes rolling as he licked across his lips. "You gonna explain why you're in a gay bar, or what, you pansy?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is that slang for gay or something? I'm not gay. Jesus, why don't you get that I don't like dick," Ashton rolled his eyes and he took a long swig from the beer after he'd spoke, keeping his focus on the other.

"I meant it as in, like, the flower." Luke had immediately softened his tone, not wanting to piss the other off anymore than he seemed. "As I said before, I respect your sexuality and your love for sticking your dick in pussies or whatever the fuck straight guys do."

"Oh for fucks sake, shut up, I'm here because I wandered in here, I didn't know it was a gay club," Ashton defended as he put his bottle down with a slam-like motion, immediately regretting it as he flinched. He forgot his own strength sometimes.

"Hey, loosen up. It's fine, why are you so tense?" Like tilted his head and he let his hand slide into his pocket, taking out his phone.

"I'm not tense." Ashton said as he rolled his eyes once more, letting his hands ball in and out of fists a few times, being slow to calm himself down. "I'm angry. Tense and angry are two different things."

Luke had his attention on the screen of his phone, typing away until he heard the others last words. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, as he let his phone tilt downwards, and he eventually decided to put it down on the table.

"Why are you angry then?" Luke asked softly, picking up Ashton's beer, taking a swig before putting it back down on the table, watching Ashton snatch it back.

"I'm angry because surprisingly, you were right. She's cheating on me - well was," Ashton started off his sentence with an angry tone, but it eventually softened. "His name wasn't Dean. It was Sean. You need to learn how to pronounce shit,"

Luke didn't know what to say, so instead he sat up in his chair, keeping his gaze on the boy who sat across from him. But Ashton just sat there, he didn't move. Not unless he was taking a drink of his beer, or taking a deep breath through his nose.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ashton spoke slowly as he took another drink of his beer, quirking one eyebrow up as he watched the other, waiting for an answer.

"Because I told you so, and you didn't listen to me," Luke rolled his eyes and he let out a soft laugh as he relaxed into his chair once more.

Ashton let out a groan, slamming the beer bottle down one more time, but standing up from his chair this time. Luke quickly stood up as well, raising his hands, almost as a surrender. But, he was shocked when the other took a step towards him, and he grabbed him by his shirt.

"I'm sick of you and your smug look," Ashton spoke out deeply, in almost a growl as he pushed the taller boy against the wall behind him - although Ashton was shorter by an inch or two, he was stronger. "Say that again, I fucking dare you to,"

Luke didn't realise that Ashton had smashed his beer bottle until he looked down at his button up, to see that there was blood smears where Ashton had his right hand.

He let out a deep breath, and he looked back up to see that Ashton was now craving a hit, or maybe even just a fuck, but Luke was unsure. He was unsure of everything really.

He knew the colour of his room, and he knew that his favourite flowers and he knew that his internet got switched off at midnight. But he didn't know what Ashton was capable of - and that was intriguing.

"I told you so,"

flowers ❀ lashton  [𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now