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"What do you want to eat? I'm ordering from the pizza place down the street," Ashton was back on Erica's bed, with his body leaning against the back wall, his eyes focused on his girlfriend who was sat across the room. "What are you doing, anyway?"

Erica was back at her vigorous typing, and she couldn't keep her eyes off of her laptop screen for more than thirty seconds. More homework? Papers for exams? Dirty messages to this so-called 'Dean, with the greasy hair, and skinny build'?

"Just get me whatever you're getting, but smaller. Probably gonna start a diet soon, it's almost summer. Need to look good," Erica spoke slowly, almost monotone, as she kept her eyes focused on her typing and her laptop screen. "Just writing papers for classes."

As Ashton scrolled through the many options on the menu of his take-out app, he eventually decided on a pepperoni pizza, with a drink alongside it. He selected a large for himself and a medium for his girlfriend, and a coke for himself and Erica. They both always liked the same drinks.

"Okay, well I've ordered two pepperoni pizzas and two bottles of Coke." Ashton let his phone fall down onto his lap, as he let his head roll back to rest against the wall.

His eyes scrolled around the bedroom that he was in so often, and he licked across his lips slowly, shaking his head as he tried to forget about what Luke had said earlier that night.

"You know, your mum is out right now. We could always fool around a little until the food gets here." Ashton suggested slowly, sitting up as he waited for his girlfriends usual response which was to immediately turn off her computer, and sit on her boyfriends lap - but she kept typing.

"Nah, not tonight. I just want to eat, and go to bed. Long day." Erica spoke in the same tone as before, but this time she looked back at Ashton for a second to give him a smile, before her attention was turned back to her laptop.

Ashton let his eyebrows furrow, and he let his arms cross over his chest for a moment, before he stood up and walked across to Erica and her desk, closing her laptop over.

"Why are you being weird?" Ashton asked, leaning against the desk so that his girlfriend couldn't open the laptop back up.

"I'm not being weird. Just because I don't want to have sex doesn't mean that I'm being weird." Erica defended as she stood up, pushing her swirly chair backwards, letting her hands move to push her boyfriend away from her desk.

"I'm not talking about that. All day you've done nothing but work." Ashton stayed exactly where he was. He was thankful that he was bigger built than most boys in his year, so when it came to Erica trying to move him, he could easily stand still.

"Look, can you just let me do my work? It's due in a couple of days and I need to have it finished or I'm gonna fail that class," Erica gave Ashton a rough shove, which she somehow managed to move him away from the desk, and she pulled her chair back over, sitting down in it. "Leave me alone until the food gets here."

"I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me why you're being like this," Ashton groaned and he shook his head, standing back in front of the desk, holding her chair still so that she couldn't move closer to her laptop. "Why are you being so weird, huh?"

"Well, I'm gonna act weird when you lie to me about appointments that you aren't actually going to," Erica snapped back at her boyfriend, standing up again and looking up at Ashton with an almost deathly glare. "Care to explain?"

Ashton didn't know what to say. He let his eyes close for a minute as he took a deep breath. He let one hand move to run through his curls, and let the other move to cross over his torso.

"And maybe I'll explain when you tell me who the fuck Dean is."

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