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"Mum?" Ashton walked into his house, slamming the door behind him, flinching slightly at the loud bang, not expecting for it to make so much noise. "Are you awake?"

"I am now, Ashton, what is it?" Anne-Marie came down the stairs, her dressing gown wrapped around her body, her hair in a messy ponytail, and her eyes almost still completely closed.

Ashton then lifted his hand for his mother to see, smiling at her innocently, as if he didn't know what he'd done.

"Can you please fix this?" Ashton asked softly, watching as his mother rolled her eyes and walked across to the other, having a proper look at his hand, before nodding.

"Come on through," She spoke slowly as she lead her son through to the kitchen, pulling out a chair at the breakfast bar for him to sit at.

She then walked to the cupboard where the family kept their first aid kit, pulling it out and walking across to the breakfast bar, sitting it down. She then opened the fridge beneath her, handing a bottle of water to Ashton.

"You gonna tell me what happened?" She asked softly as she opened the first aid kit, and ashton opened the bottle of water, taking a long sip of it, shaking his head.

"It's nothing, honestly," Ashton spoke slowly, putting the water back down, but leaving the cap off, knowing that he wouldn't be able to open it again while his mother was cleaning up his hand.

Anne-Marie could only roll her eyes as she listened to the others words, ripping an alcohol wipe open, taking it and slowly pressing it against the few cuts that were on her son's hand, watching him wince slightly.

"Did you have a fight with Erica? You've never come home in the middle of the night when you've been there," She spoke slowly as she continued to slowly wipe the dry blood away from the palm of Ashton's hand, and she then took the little pair of tweezers, starting to pick out the glass slowly.

"Yeah, I did. We had a fight. We're not together anymore," Ashton spoke slowly as he nodded his head, trying not to flinch and move around, knowing that would hurt more.

"Why not? You've been together for ages, why break up now? Did something happen?" Although Ashton's mother was very loving and caring, she was also very nosy, and she demanded to know everything about what was happening with her kids.

"Yeah, somethin' happened," Ashton sighed out softly, taking another drink from the water, flinching slightly as he felt the other picking out the last piece of glass, going back in with the alcohol wipe. "She cheated on me."

"Oh, Ash," His mother sighed slowly, continuing to clean up his hand, and once she was sure it was clean, she gently pressed a kiss against it. "It'll be fine, girl's are stupid anyway,"

"Thanks, mum. But, that isn't the only part of my hand that need's fixed," Ashton laughed softly to himself as he turned his hand around to show his mum his bruised knuckles, that were covered in blood.

"Oh for fucks sake, Ashton," She rolled her eyes once more and she let her head rest in her hands for a minute, before she looked back up at her son. "What did you do?"


"He punched me in the face," Luke was sat in his best friends house, sniffling with tears occasionally running down his cheeks. "I didn't think he'd actually punch me in the face?"

Luke looked across at his best friend, Michael, who was sitting on the one seater sofa. The coloured haired boy didn't know what to say or do in a situation like this, he barely left his house, and when he did, he didn't have to deal with these problems.

"Hey, it is your own fault. You did kinda torment him," Michael shrugged and he licked across his lips as he took a deep breath. "He had you pinned against a wall, what did you think he was gonna do? Give you a kiss?"

"I dunno, maybe I did think that for a second, I would've done that," Luke sniffled once more, and then he winced, the feeling of moving his nose even slightly sent a sting through his whole upper body.

"Luke, you have to remember, not everyone is like you," Michael rolled his eyes and he stood up from his chair, walking into the kitchen, grabbing a pack of baby wipes, chucking them across to Luke, smiling slightly. "Clean your nose, you're getting blood all over the place."

Luke nodded his head slowly and he opened the pack of wipes, taking one out and holding it against his nose for a moment, before he started to wipe the blood away.

"I thought he liked me, that's why I tried to push it. But he told one of the bouncers that he never want's to see me again," Luke spoke slowly, his free hand moving to run through his thick hair, a small huff falling from lips. "Why is it the one person I actually like and don't just want to fuck, doesn't like me?"

Michael rolled his eyes as he sat back down on the sofa across from Luke. He could only shrug his shoulders, and pick up his beer from the floor at his feet, taking a drink from it before he offered the bottle to Luke.

The blonde reached across and took the bottle from Michael, taking a long drink before he handed the bottle back over to him. Michael took the bottle back and put it back at his feet, thinking of anything that he could say to the other.

"If you want advice or something, just don't message him for a few days. You go to work, you act normal. You go to school, you act normal. You don't talk to him, he won't talk to you," Michael shrugged and he crossed his arms over his chest, licking across his lips slowly.

"But I want him to talk to me," Luke spoke quietly, pulling the baby wipe away from his face when he was sure the majority of the blood was gone.

"And he will. Eventually." Michael smiled softly and he stood up, walking into his bedroom, pulling out a blanket and pillow for the other, walking back through to the living room, handing it to Luke.

"Give it time. Okay?" Michael spoke slowly, walking back into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water, handing it over to Luke with a smile on his face still.

"Give it time."

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