Chapter 2- An Apple a Day Keeps the Lucys... Close

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     A few hours later, Camila found her and her friends sat at lunch, chatting aimlessly as they enjoyed whatever food they had in front of them.

     "So, anyway, guys, suddenly she was all like 'there's two kinds of girl... either you want this highlighter..." Camil exclaimed, spraying crumbs of sandwich all over the table as she told the story of Math class. Dinah rolled her eyes.

      "Mila... this must be the twelfth time you have told us this story in like... four hours!" The Polynesian girl sighed, chuckling to herself at Camila's eagerness.

       "Dinah, girl, just let her finish!" Ally barked firmly, her maternal instincts kicking in as she watched Camila's bubbly, little smile sink at Dinah's words.

      "Okay... where was I? Oh yeah! So then, Lauren went.... 'or you want this highlight!'" Camila burst into giggled, thrusting her arm forward a little too dramatically when she acted out Lauren's gestures, and suddenly, she felt her hand come into contact with something round and smooth. Before she even had a minute to check what it was, the small girl suddenly saw a red ball fly over her head and across the room, landing with a small thump and gently rolling a few feet.

        "Girl, I know you didn't just throw my apple!" Normani snapped sassily, raising her eyebrow at Camila who chuckled to herself as she realised the red ball had indeed been Mani's apple, which she was mid-way through munching when Camila had knocked it from her hand, and it had flown almost halfway across the cafeteria.

         "I did tho!" Camila replied, in a low, loud voice, which made the other three girls burst into a fit of giggles.

        "Well go get it!" Normani sighed, and with that, Camila reluctantly threw down her grilled cheese and glanced around the cafeteria to where it was. Her brown eye caught a small blob of red under a table somewhere, and slightly nervously, she stood up and walked over to where it was.

           As she grew closer to the area that the apple had fallen, Camila suddenly felt her pounding heart drop to her feet and her blood ran cold in her veins. It was under Lauren's chair. The green-eyes girl was sat on a two-seated table with Lucy, who was chatting animatedly with her. Oh god... what was she going to do? Without even thinking about it, Camila saw the world that she was looking at suddenly disappear as she quickly bent her knees and threw herself down onto the disgusting, crumby floor. The small girl crawled slowly towards Lauren's chair, on her hands and feet, and as the apple drew nearer, she reached out a trembling arm, stretching and stretching and stretching. Her brown eyes were squeezed tight shut and she held her breath, her heart drumming harshly against her ribs. Stretching and stretching and stretching and then... bingo! Her shaky hand clasped the red apple, and confidently, the small girl withdrew her arm and took a brief moment to simply breathe again, and celebrate to herself! She had got it! She had escaped without anyone seeing her!

      "Camila Cabello!?" A loud, accusing voice suddenly rang in her hear, and once again, Camila's pounding heart dropped into the floor. Lucy. What could she do now? The small girl was crouched, with her eyes shut, frozen in position like a terrified mouse as she clutched the now, slightly warm and mushy, piece of fruit to her chest. "Cabello! We can both see you!"

         Hesitantly, after a few seconds, Camila's eyes drifted open, and she felt herself go slightly pale as she noticed Lucy glaring at her from above, and Lauren simply staring... with her face completely blank. Green, twinkling eyes wide open and her rosy lips slightly parted.

        "Sorry....I just... I dropped Mani's apple and..." Camila stammered, breaking eye contact with the two girls and gazing awkwardly down at the browning piece of fruit in her hands. However, before she could finish, Lucy's shrill, angry voice cut her off mid-sentence.

        "She's lying! I saw what you were doing, Cabello. Lauren... I'm afraid that she was lying under your seat staring up your skirt." Lucy lied, and Lauren's green eyes narrowed as she heard the other girl's twisted accusation. But they didn't narrow towards Camila... they were glaring at Lucy. "God she's such a creep." Lucy spat, and Camila felt her bottom lip shaking timidly as she fumbled for words in her head to defend herself. Come on! Anything? But she didn't need to.

       "Lucy, cut the crap! She wasn't staring at me... she just got her god damn apple! Leave the poor girl alone." Lauren snapped, glaring with her piercing, Jade eyes at Lucy, whose tanned cheeks flooded with pink. "Are you okay Camila?" Lauren whispered to the smaller girl, who was somehow managing to wobble back onto her feet. After an apologetic nod, the girl scurried back to her friends, tears rolling down her cheeks as she told them the story.

        "Bitch!" Dinah hissed, shooting an angry look across the cafeteria towards a smug looking Lucy.

        "Atleast Lauren stood up for you!" Ally mumbled, giving the smaller girl's arm a sympathetic stroke.

       "Ugh... this apple is covered in shit." Normani grimaced, and with a quick flick of her wrist, she tossed the apple in the air and threw it straight into the bin. 'Great... all that for nothing!' Camila thought.


Author's Notes: Disclaimer- The character of Lucy Vives in this story is completely fictionalised! The only thing that book-Lucy and the real Lucy Vives share are names and appearances! Please do not think that the real Lucy is manipulative, angry and a bully just because she is in this story! I'm sure she's lovely in real life!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys- if you did please give it a vote and comment! Have a great day <3
Em :)

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