Chapter 3- Truth Or Dare?

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       It was Wednesday afternoon, a week or so after the 'apple incident'. A group of around 20 girls, including Camila, Mani, Dinah, Lauren and Lucy were sprawled lazily on the school field at lunchtime, as the golden sun washed the world in a warm, buttery light. It was hot. It was So. Damn. Hot. Camila could feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead as the group lay chattering in the shade, trying their best to cool off.

"Okay guys... I have an idea!" Lucy's voice suddenly exclaimed above the gentle hum of chatter, and Camila opened one eye to glance cautiously at the tall girl sitting across from her. "Lets play truth or dare!" She whispered, creating an atmosphere of slight suspense as Camila's stomach suddenly began to twist nervously.

She barely even had chance to think about the proposal when suddenly, truths and dares were flying around the circle of girls like the mayflies buzzing noisily around in the tree above them. Lauren dared Taylor to climb the tree... she did it. Dinah dared Ally to do twenty sit ups... she did it. It seemed slightly boring to the small girl, and she leaned back in exhaustion, resting her head against the cool tree trunk listening to her friends enjoy the childish game. However, after a while, Lucy's loud voice suddenly made Camila jump again.

"Hey Camila! You've not been involved!" The brown haired girl yelled, and Camila sat up from the tree suddenly, glancing around the circle at the many faces who were staring at her vacantly. "What's wrong... are you too scared?" Lucy snorted, and Camila's stomach churned in anger. Of course she wasn't! Ugh... she had to prove that girl wrong.

"Of course not! Ask me any dare you want and I will do it!" Camila smirked, folding her small arms and jutting out her chin in a failed attempt to look tough. Lauren giggled, however, Lucy scowled and a glint in her eye showed Camila that she was about to use this opportunity against the smaller girl.

"Okay, Cabello... I dare you to kiss one of these girls in the circle." Lucy hissed, and the small girl instantly felt all the blood rush from her head. The manipulative bitch! "Or... your forfeit is that I get to tell everyone in the school what I caught you doing in the cafeteria the other day... remember?" The tall girl sneered, and Camila felt her heart pounding dramatically against her rib ace, causing the already heavy air to become denser and denser until she felt like she would collapse into a puddle of humiliation.

The small girl gulped. "Fine! DINAH! Pucker up, ma friend!" Camila boomed confidently, and Mani and Ally creased up into laughter as the two girls started to jokingly draw closer to one another, their plump lips pouted dramatically. However, Lucy's distinctive, loud, drawl echoed through the circle once again.

"No! Not Dinah! I get to pick..." She hissed, furious that Camila had managed to create comedy from the situation. Lucy's eyes landed of gold, and her angry mouth contorted into a twisted grin. "Camila... I dare you to kiss Lauren... with tongue." The sentence hung in the air for a few seconds, almost like a bad smell, as every girl in the circle stared at Lucy, completely dumbfound. Camila's heart was thumping like it was going to explode, and she felt her stomach twist into sickening knots. Then, suddenly, she managed to force a strained eye contact with the green-eyed girl, who was sat across the circle from her, with a completely vacant expression, again. The same face that she had made that day in the cafeteria.

"Whatever, Lucy." Lauren sighed, and Camila swore that behind those emerald eyes she saw a flicker of excitement. Just a tiny shadow of a smile across Lauren's face was enough to make a flurry of butterflies take flight in her stomach, and make adrenaline buzz through her stomach. "Let's do this." Lauren said.

The circle was silent. The gentle summer breeze ceased. And every single mayfly that was buzzing in the air seemed to stop and stare. Camila glanced anxiously around the circle, at the shocked expressions of many, the anticipant glare of Lucy, and the excited grins of her three best friends. Lauren crawled forward. Camila crawled forward. The two girls were inches apart, gazing straight into one another's eyes. Lauren took a breath as she felt herself get lost in Camila's melting, chocolate brown orbs.

The dry grass tickled Camila's feet and she felt her breath freeze in her throat. Lauren's face was growing nearer and nearer, until their noses were gently touching, and the smaller girl could feel warm, sweet wafts of Lauren's breath against her tanned cheeks. It was coming... 3... 2... 1....

Their lips locked.


Author's Notes: OMGGG! Camren's first kiss! I can't help but feel grateful for Lucy for initiating it, but at the same time... what the hell is she up to!
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Em :)

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