Chapter 10- She shoots... and she... oh!

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      "Okay ladies! Bea Miller has the ball! And... continue!" Coach Cowell's booming voice echoed around the gym hall as every girl in their year participated in a basketball match. They had been split equally into two teams. Camila, feeling disgusted about the prospect of actually playing the boring game, was jogging aimlessly up and down the court, watching the ball being passed from person to person as she tried to hide from it coming her way. That was always her role in phys ed... avoid the ball and don't get in the way of the jocks doing their thing.

          It was all okay, until suddenly, a giggly voice behind her shouted, and she small girl chuckled as she saw Ally holding the enormous, orange object.

         "Yo, Mila! It's coming your way!" The short girl yelled, and before the dark haired girl could react, an enormous ball was flying quickly through the air, growing larger and larger as it approached her face until... thank god! She caught it. A cheer erupted from her nearby teammates, as Camila anxiously whizzed up the court, her small legs racing underneath her, whilst she bounced the basketball in a regular rhythm.

         Suddenly, a shadow appeared. Lucy Vives... towering over her. Her mouse brown hair was scraped back into a tight bun, causing all her facial features to seem to stretch in a rather intimidating way. The tall girl's hands were on her hips, and her mouth was comforted into a twisted grin as she glared at Camila, who was now cowering in terror clutching the ball to her chest. Over Lucy's shoulder, she could see Lauren waving at her frantically, desperately mouthing 'pass me the ball! Pass me the ball!"

           She had to get to her girl... Lauren's long hair was flowing down her chest, and Camila felt her heart flutter as she noticed Lauren's basketball vest clung a little too tight to her curvy body. The only thing that obstructed Camila getting to Lauren was Lucy... literally and metaphorically. The small girl's brown eyes flickered around her. A gap! Suddenly, she was ducking, and she was crawling, until she finally looked up and the light of the hall illuminated her face. She had crawled through Lucy's legs!

            The coach was blowing the whistle but she didn't care. She was going to pass to Lauren... no... the adrenaline in her veins was pulsing and the basket suddenly looked easily close. She could score from here. Of course she could. A short, sharp breath, a focused lick of her lips, she raised the ball high in the air. Everyone around her was screaming and yelling, the whistle of the coach drowning them out. She was breaking all the rules but she didn't care. Jumping up and soaring high in the air, Camila lifted her arms and released the ball. But before she could, a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist, and she screamed in shock as she felt her small body being dragged to the ground.
A whistle.
Another scream from someone nearby.
A loud crunch sound.
Camila's arm exploded into agony.
Pulsing, burning agony.


          Camila was paddling. Gently bobbing in a wooden boat with Lauren sat opposite her, in the middle of a vast, crystal blue ocean. The oar in the small girl's hand swished rhythmically against the glimmering water- breaking the smooth surface, scooping deep down and then reappearing with a splash of droplets. Lauren's green eyes were closed, leaning back looking relaxed as the warm sun was glowing against her skin, causing copper shimmers to appear in her long hair.

           A sudden force on the oar. Camila glared down in horror and heart heart raced, as she saw Lucy Vives swimming underneath the surface of the calm surface, her eyes glaring up at the small girl, her hand clasped around the wooden paddle pulling vigorously. She pulled and pulled and pulled, and suddenly, Camila was falling, until she was underwater and couldn't breathe.

           Lucy's strong hands were clasping her ankle, and the small girl kicked and screamed, liquid entering her mouth as she writhed in desperation beneath the calm ocean. Lauren hadn't noticed. Eventually, the small girl felt all the oxygen in her body leave her, and she was sinking, with Lucy's fingers suddenly touching her throat and squeezing. Camila began to sink, being dragged by Lucy. Dragging and dragging her away from Lauren in the most violent of ways.

          The small girl's eyes flickered gently, white, brilliant light invading her sensitive pupils as the small girl's lips parted as a desperate attempt to scream out. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak... she could barely even see. The air was moving... was she outside? Yes she was... but then... in a car? Or a van? A big, neon yellow with a whining siren, the sickening movement of the vehicle was dizzying, and Camila felt herself sink into blackness once again...


Author's Notes: Oh god, poor Mila! Are you guys enjoying this story so far? If you are pleaaaaAAAAse vote and comment! I'm literally getting no feedback at the moment it's very worrying... do you all hate it?
Em :)

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