Chapter 14- Pancakes N Chill

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     "Mom... I need to tell you something... I need to tell you right now." Camila nervously announced, as she sat down at the breakfast table that morning (Alejandro, her father, had already departed for his business conference). Normally she would giggle at the sight of Sofia covered in maple syrup, but today it just made her even more nauseous than she already was. The words were glued in her throat, as her two family members looked at her anticipantly. "I... I'm gay." She finally said, suddenly discovering her brown eyes had squeezed together to hopefully avoid the expressions of her mother and sister. She heard the metallic clatter of a spoon dropping on the floor, and as the loud ring echoed around the whole face, she knew that she was about to be hit with a Sinu storm. Camila wasn't sure why she had chosen that particular cloudy Thursday morning, but... it just felt more right than it probably ever would.

        "Oh, mija! I thought you were going to say something bad! You silly girl... your father and I have known since you were five when you told us you were going to marry your babysitter!" The older woman burst into laughter, and Camila opened her eyes in surprise to realise that Sinu had dropped her cutlery as she had been laughing so hard. "Karla, my darling girl, we do not care who you love. Love is love!" Her mother finished comfortingly, and the small girl grinned as the weight of a thousand suns blew gently away from her shoulders.

       "Does that mean that I can marry the dog, Mommy?" Sofia gasped, and this time, Camila giggled to see the small girl's cheeks smeared with sticky syrup, and a pancake flopping halfway from her mouth.

       "No it does not Sof!" Sinu chuckled, rolling her hazel eyes. "Now eat your breakfast politely." She finished, and with that, her Mother changed the subject to chat about the youngest girl's elementary school project, all while Camila's heart was soaring with love for her family. She had been dreading this day for so long, picturing angry yells, emotional meltdowns and disappointed stares. But... it was just so... normal!

        Around an hour later, after Sofia had given her sister a tight hug and hopped on her school bus, Camila stood at the front door of the house with her Mother, who was about to leave to go to work.

        "So... this Lauren who is coming to look after you... is she?" Sinu mumbled slightly awkwardly, and she didn't even have to finish her sentence, before Camila nodded her head and gnawed anxiously on her bottom lip. "Ohhhh! How wonderful, mija! I am happy for you. Now, there are some snacks in the kitchen and I have made sure the heating is turned on so you can be nice and cosy! Have a good day honey!" The older woman stated cheerfully, giving Camila a gentle kiss on the top of her head and turning around to across the drive towards her large, black car. However, before she got in, Sinu glanced over her shoulder. "Oh, and Mila... no funny business!" She yelled cheerfully, shooting the suddenly very embarrassed girl a cheeky wink before getting into the car and driving away.

        After a while, Camila was stood in the kitchen, awkwardly trying to manoeuvre her bulky cast to open the cupboard and retrieve some cereal, when she felt someone suddenly behind her, grabbing her around the waist and burying their nose into her neck. Camila's heart jumped into alarming thumps as she whipped around... Lauren. Her worries melted away as the green-eyed girls pressed her against the kitchen sink and planted a gentle line of kisses on her throbbing neck.

        "How did you get in?" Camila breathed, leaning her head back and closing her eyes, feeling a chill prickle down her back muscles as Lauren's plump lips sucked the skin on her lower neck.

       "Your door was open..." Lauren said between kisses. "Don't worry, I closed it behind me... it's just us two now."

       "I like the sound of that very much." Camila sighed happily, placing a trembling finger under Lauren's chin to guide her head up, eventually planting a soft kiss upon the older girl's mouth. "But first... I need food. I haven't eat anything since the snacks yesterday at the hospital, and you don't want me passing out on you do you?"

       "I don't know, it might be a little sexy to have you completely vulnerable... under my control." The older girl whispered sexily, still with her lips against Camila's neck, causing hot wafts of breath to ripple across the small girl's skin. After a few seconds, Lauren slowly stood up straight, gazing at Camila with those familiar, emerald eyes, however, the small girl's heart sank to see the dark, purple bruise still formed on the taller girl's eye. Lauren broke eye contact... was she ashamed? "Okay, Nurse Jauregui in action! What does my patient want for breakfast? Cereal... toast... pancakes?" She exclaimed, throwing cupboards open as she danced around the kitchen, causing Camila to giggle at her sudden burst of energy.

         "Laur, I can do it myself! I'm not completely incapable!" Camila said, raising an eyebrow.

         "No, no... I insist. I am here to look after you, and that is what I shall do!" She said, grabbing two eggs from the fridge and shooting an adorable smile at the smaller girl.

        "Well aren't you a gentleman?" Camila chuckled, her heart pounding loudly as she watched the older girl whisking and cracking and pouring. It was all her favourite things in one place... food and Lauren.

        Who knew that such a horrible accident could result in such a beautiful outcome? Just her and her lifelong crush, making out and enjoying each other's company, without having to hide or have people constantly pestering them. It was a beautiful moment. Camila didn't want the day to end.


Author's Notes: Okay, guys, I hope you enjoyed this quite fluffy chapter, however, I am hoping to maybe experiment with a bit of smut in the next one- so make sure you stay tuned!
Also this is a huge disclaimer: I am aware that many people who could possibly even be reading this have had awful experiences when coming out, myself included. However, I decided that for the benefit of Camila I would have Sinu and Alejandro feel completely fine with it. If any of you need to talk or rant about this sort of thing, I can completely relate as I have had a tricky experience coming out to my parents, and I will happily receive any messages in my inbox and hopefully give you some advice!
Em :)


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