Chapter 19- The Baseball Bat

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*TRIGGER WARNING- violence!! Please protect yourselves babies :))) *
       Camila felt herself growing anxious as 10am, her busy mind reminding her of the time a few weeks ago when Lauren had surprised her on Valentine's Day. The small girl glared at the clock, her heart racing as she watched the hands move slower than ever. Finally, when 10am ticked around she shot up her hand, waggling it slightly to her the attention of her Chemistry teacher, who eventually glanced at her curiously.

"Miss... may I have the bathroom pass?" Camila mumbled quietly, and Miss Lovato nodded, as the small girl hopped down from her high lab chair and padded over to the front of the classroom, ignoring the hushed whispers of her class around her.

"Camila, the last time you went to the bathroom... you returned in quite a state." Miss Lovato muttered under her breath, as the small girl blushed in humiliation, reminding herself of wandering into the classroom smothered in crimson lipstick and dark hickeys. "No funny business... ok? I was your age once, I know what it's like! Whatever you are doing... just please don't return like a mess!" Her teacher giggled to Camila's surprise. With a clammy hand, the small girl grabbed the pass and raced down the hallway, her veins buzzing with adrenaline and exhilaration as she pictured the beautiful, green eyed girl leaned promiscuously on a sink, ready to take the small girl under her control once again.

Panting, she burst into the bathroom with a loud crash as the door smashed against the wall, however, Camila creased her eyebrows at the sight in front of her.

"Lucy?" The small girl breathed in perplexion. An uneasy churning suddenly settled over her stomach as she watched the brunette glared at her. Stood awkwardly in the very centre of the bathroom, her feet wide apart and her shoulders broad in a powerful stance. It was only when Camila noticed a large cricket bat in her hand that she felt her heart truly fall into the floor. Oh my god! What was she doing? Had she been set up?

Lucy didn't say a word. A deafening silence hung over the area as the two girls stood a few inches apart, the smaller of the pair trembling as anxiety flooded her whole body, and the other stood with her jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed, the wooden bat in her hand trembling slightly.

Run Camila run! A terrified voice screamed at the back of the mind as the Latina girl stood studying Lucy's angry face... she looked like a statue, except for the occasional twitch of her eyelid or threatening wiggle of the bat. Camila was frozen. Her feet were ten tonne weights glueing the her spot, and the rest of her body just felt... heavy. Her eyes were wide, her heart had practically stopped and her blood had almost stopped flowing. Everything about the small girl was just frozen in terror. Like a deer in the headlights. Her mind was screaming, do something DO SOMETHING! She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. She could barely even breathe.

Camila willed her brain to allow her some movement. Every muscle in her small body straining as she screamed repeatedly in her mind move.. move! MOVE! And eventually... she did. A sudden burst of adrenaline burst from her stomach, and the small girl felt her muscles leap into action, a trembling hand swinging forward towards the door... following her first instict. Run.

The small girl twisted her body, breaking the tense eye contact with Lucy and glaring at the door, her sweaty hands clasped around the handle. Yes! She had done it! She was holding the door! She was going to escape!

"Not on my watch, puta." A hushed, intimidating voice said behind her, and the small girl's heart pounded as she yanked open the door. Why was it so damn heavy? Another rush of adrenaline, another yank. Her face was pale and beaded with sweat, her whole body was trembling like never before, and her bottom lip bled as she bit into it in fear. She was nearly there. "Did you hear what I just said!?" Lucy screamed, making the small girl's heart convulse in trepidation.
Come on, Camila..
Nearly there..
Hot, searing pain burnt into her head. She didn't even have a second to see the world in front of her before...


Author's Notes- Please prepare yourselves babies...
Em <3

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