Chapter 20- Amongst the Sandbags

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*TRIGGER WARNING- imprisonment*

       Fire seared up the small girl's throat as she screamed into the empty oblivion for hours. Her eyes were streaming and stinging as sand from the bags surrounding her small body scratched her sore trachea. Her skin itched and her lungs were convulsing from shouting so much. And her heart... her heart felt as if it was beating and twisting and skipping so fast that it was surely going to collapse, causing sharp stabs of pain to sear through Camila's chest.

        "Lucy! Please! Can you hear me?" The small girl shouted, the damp darkness surrounding her making her head spin. She tried to move her free wrist. Nothing.

       An hour or so ago, Camila had hazily woken up, pitch darkness surrounding her, with her right arm tied tightly using rope to a pipe that ran along the back of the room she was trapped in. No Lucy to be seen. The last thingshe remembered... she was in the bathroom, Lucy had a bat... as she tried to escape there was a swish of air and suddenly- blackness. Her head pounded at the thought, and she lifted her arm with the cast on the gently brush her trembling fingers along a tender, swollen lump that had formed under her dark hair from the impact of the bat.

        Panic had immediately flooded the small girl's body as she screamed, and wailed, and banged her feet for an hour, her voice trailing away into the empty room. Surely she would die here. Where even was she? The strong smell of wood and sand stung her nostrils... was it a shed? She was going to die alone... crying and screaming in a lonely shed surrounded by bags of sand. And then... and then Lucy was just going to get rid of her body and she would never be seen again. What would Lauren do? Camila let out a terrified whimper as her green, emerald eyes suddenly appeared in her mind, and her nose imagined Lauren's smell to take the attention away from the odour of rot that surrounded her. Salty oceans, freshly cut wood and... hazelnuts. That was Lauren's smell. Rich, fresh and earthy. The small girl's heart twisted for what seemed like the a millionth time that hour, and she felt hot, wet tears stream down her flushed cheeks at the thought of never seeing the girl that she loved more than anyone else ever again. Would Lauren forget about her? Would she sob at her funeral? In a few months... or a year, would she forget that Camila had ever existed and start to date someone else? She was going to marry and have beautiful children with another person... and the small girl would be a fuzzy memory in the back of her mind.

        A sound. As quiet as a rustle of leaves or a click of pen... but to Camila, it echoed around the whole shed. And then a more defined sound. Camila's stomach tensed and nausea burned through her throat. Her heart raced. It was breathing. Quick, shallow breaths that quietly rang through the wooden room. Camila knew that the person was trying to stay hidden.

      "Lucy?" The small girl whimpered, nibbling her bottom lip anxiously. The breathing halted. Camila's heart stopped. "Lucy? Please let me out of this shed! I- I've never done anything to you!" She began sobbing, wiping her salty tears from her cheeks with the back of her scratchy cast on her left wrist.

       A long, exasperated sigh. The small girl held her own breath as she strained her ears, desperately waiting for any sign of movement. Her brown eyes had adjusted to the darkness by now, and she flickered her vision across the room, desperately searching for a weapon of self defence. Gardening equipment? A trowel, a sledgehammer... anything!

       "Camila... you have taken everything from me. The girl I loved, my best friend... my happiness. It's only fair that you get the payback you deserve!" Lucy's quiet, angry voice suddenly echoed across the shed, and Camila's head span as a wave of realisation... and sickness washed over her trembling body. Oh. Lucy was gay... she loved Lauren, and Camila had stolen her. Say something Camila! A lump had formed in her raw throat, and words would simply not form in her brain, mashing together like a tangle of letters. "Listen... I'm not a violent person. I don't want to do this... I just need Lauren to myself. I love her, Cabello... I really do! And no one can get in the way of that!" Lucy's voice suddenly appeared once again... but this time it was quieter, shakier. Was she crying. "Now fucking shut up you little slut! You deserve this! You deserve to die in this dingy little shed and end up as nothing but a distant memory of everyone in this town!"

        Camila's sobs filled the shed as the small girl curled up into a ball, her arm hanging limply from the pipe,  as pure heartbreak shook through her small body. Oh my god... she needed to get out!

       "Please Lucy! I'm sorry!" She wailed, sharp screams cutting through her words as panic flooded her veins. "I'll do anything!"

Deafening silence filled the room.
"Anything?" Lucy's voice suddenly replied, and somehow... it seemed to have a glimmer of excitement... twisted, manipulative excitement.

"Yes." The small girl squeaked.

Silence again.
The lock on the shed clicked.
Light flooded Camila's eyes.
Lucy had opened the door.


Author's Notes- Hey guys please be ready for a bit of trauma and angst!!
If you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment! Love you all
Em :)

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