Chapter 6- No Rain, No Flowers

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    "What the fuck do you want now you psycho bitch?" Lauren was yelling, and Camila watched in awe at the taller girl went into what seemed like attack mode. Her voice was loud, and furious, her green eyes were wide, and flickering, and her fists were clenched tightly. Camila prayed that she would never have to be on the receiving end of Lauren's anger. Lucy, however, was replying equally as angrily, but whatever insults she threw at the two girls, they seemed to float straight through them and come out of the other side. It was two against one now... Lucy had no power. "Why was I ever friends with you? You're insane! Now get out of this bathroom right now!" Lauren spat, her eyes flashing with fury, but Lucy just shot one of her infamous, smug grins.

        "Okay... whatever you say, boss... but remember... I am the one with the power here... I have that picture, and I could accidentally leak it at any time!" Lucy hissed, and with that, she raised a cocky eyebrow, turned on her heel and strutted out of the bathroom with a swift swish of her brown hair.

        "Lauren... are you okay?" Camila mumbled shyly, suddenly noticing how much she was trembling, and how wide her brown eyes had become whilst witnessing the argument. "I'm sorry... this is all my fault..." She whispered.

       "Of course it's not! Don't think that... it's no ones fault but hers." Lauren spat, slowly walking forward and gazing pitifully down as the smaller girl sniffles and wiped her brown eyes which had begun to brim with tears. A silence hung over the room. Not awkward, not tense... just.... sad. Lauren needed to lighten the mood. "What I can't believe is I just confronted her completely topless!" The green eyed girl exclaimed, and Camila burst into a fit of giggles, glancing down at Lauren's crimson bra. Her stomach fluttered... in a good way.

         "I wouldn't say that's such a bad thing." Camila breathed, and to her surprise, Lauren bit her bottom lip, and a shadow of a grin danced across her facial features. What was this feeling between them? There was definitely something... a spark.

         "So, Mani, who is your valentine this year?" Ally asked jokingly, as the four friends wandered down the corridor a week and a bit later... February 14th... Valentine's Day. School hadn't even started and already the hallways were buzzing with excitable chatter, and as the girls glanced around them, they noticed that the school had been covered in beautiful decorations. Red heart banners, tin balloons, streamers, confetti... it was an intricate explosion of reds and pinks.

         "My Valentine this year... is Camila!" Normani teased jokingly, throwing her arms around the smaller girl, who burst into giggles, and hugged her taller friend back. Suddenly, a strong pair of hands appeared between the happy couple, and when Camila turned around, she noticed that Dinah was dragging the smaller girl away from Normani, trying to have her all to herself!

          "Where's the loyalty!? Where's the loyalty!?" Dinah exclaimed dramatically, as the three others girls' sides hurt from laughing, as the Polynesian girl hit Mani playfully on her head.

          "Girl... don't beat me!" Mani replied, her sentence breaking up from laughing so hard. "I'm sorry, Dinah... you know I love you!" Camila rolled her eyes as the two girls both hugged and fawned over one another teasingly, and with that, the four girls made their way to homeroom, chuckling as Dinah planted a wet kiss on Mani's cheek.

           Not long later, Camila found herself sat at her desk in homeroom, listening to the principle drone out the morning announcement, when suddenly, someone burst through the door, exploding a handful of red, glittering confetti into the classroom and making everyone jump in surprise.

           "Candy grams! Candy grams!" The boy yelled in excitement, swiftly swerving through desks as he handed people chocolates, roses and teddy bears that people had sent. "Glen Coco? Four for you, Glen Coco! You go!" He shouted excitedly, throwing four brown teddy bears as the boy who sat behind Camila. "And... Camila Cabello! We have one for you!" He cried dramatically, and handed the surprised girl a crimson red rose. She took it with a trembling hand, and swiftly turned to Dinah, who was sat next to her.

         "God damn it, why didn't I think to send one to Lauren?" She hissed in annoyance.

         "It doesn't matter, girl! Go on... what does the flower say! It has a label!" Dinah muttered anticipantly, and Camila glanced down at the delicate rose in her hand to discover that around the stem, a small, paper label was tied with an extravagant, white satin ribbon. The small girl gasped.

Meet me on the second floor hallway at 10am. Don't bring anyone else.
L <3


Author's Notes- Omg Lauren sent her a candy gram how cuteeee! Have you ever sent a candy gram?? Also, did anyone out there get my cheeky Mean Girls reference!!! I wasn't trying to steal it, I was simply having a bit of fun!
Em :)

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