Chapter 5- Soaking Wet

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       The next few weeks passed slowly, as Camila felt anxious every second her phone buzzed, and she constantly felt the need to glance over her shoulder when she sat in front of Lucy in class. However, the bright side of the situation was that Lauren and Lucy were no longer friends, and the green-eyed girl and Camila were closer than ever. It was almost as if the photo had never happened, and the girls were starting afresh, and simply enjoying each other's company. Every math lesson, Camila felt her confidence grow and grow, as a small voice deep down in her soul was whispering to her: you are more than just friends. And it was true. When they made eye contact, Lauren's emerald orbs lingered on Camila's for a little too long, when they touched, Lauren's soft hands seemed to be in contact with Camila's skin for more than was normal between two friends, and when Lauren spoke, her soft, raspy voice often cracked with nervousness. Finally, Camila often swore that out of the corner of her peripheral vision, she could see Lauren simply... gazing... at her.

            February approached slowly and uneventfully... that was until... the 5th. The 5th of February... what a joyous day for Camila. It was a morning morning, and oh how Camila adored those. The sun was beaming through the vast windows, once again casting parallel bars of sunlight onto Lauren and Camila's desk, and the smaller girl simply could not stop gazing at Lauren, as the golden beams made her face simply glow. Her hair glinted with copper in the sunlight, and her rich, green eyes danced with speckles of gold. That was a perk of living in Miami. It was always hot.

         "Hey... Camila?" Lauren asked, and the smaller girl jumped with surprise as the beautiful, pale statue she had been gawking at suddenly spoke, and snapped her back into reality. "I'm boiling... um... I really hate to ask but would it be okay if I have a sip of your water?" The older girl asked, glancing at the bottle placed in Camila's bag. The small girl nodded eagerly, and fumbled around until she held the plastic water container, thrusting it towards Lauren with a nervous smile. "Thanks." Lauren said.

            Camila's heart fluttered slightly, as she watched Lauren take a drink from her bottle. It may have seemed like a tiny things to others, but in Camila's eyes... their saliva was mingling... they were basically kissing again, right? The very thought made her hand tremble. As Lauren finished her sip and gave Camila a nod, the small girl could not stop her uncontrollable quivers as she reached for the bottle, and suddenly, her hands failed her, and the water suddenly cascaded from the bottle in one, cool splash... all over Lauren.

            "Oh my god! I'm so sorry... I don't know what happened... I... my hand... it just was shaking and..." Camila gasped, staring in horror as the water in her bottle soaked straight through Lauren's tight, white vest, suddenly making the thin material become completely see through. She couldn't peel her eyes away.

           "Ugh, girls! I thought we were meant to be 18 years old! And you can't even drink a bottle of water without throwing it all over yourselves! Go on, Lauren, get yourself cleaned up... and you help her too Camila!" Miss Yolanda snapped in frustration, and with that, both girls bundled out of the classroom in a messy mixture of water, anxiety and butterflies.

            Once they had arrived in the bathroom down the hall, Camila fumbled in a cubicle to grab some toilet roll to wipe the table with, and her little heart slipped a beat when she walked out of it to find Lauren... topless.

            Her brown eyes wouldn't move. They were fixated. The green-eyed girl was stood with her sodden vest beneath the hand-dryer, exposing her crimson red, lacy bra with held two, perfect mounds. No, Lauren wasn't perfectly skinny, no, she didn't have a toned six pack... but every single inch of her body was perfect in Camila's eyes. The adorable roll of fat that formed when Lauren leaned forward to the tiny, dark mole just above her bellybutton. Perfection. Camila's breath had left her body... she felt as if she was suffocating.

           "What?" Lauren suddenly muttered, and Camila snapped back into reality again so quickly that her head span. However, Lauren's words weren't angry... not even close... they were soft, and slow... almost, suggestive. Camila gnawed her bottom lip as she locked into Lauren's jade eyes, which now had a glint of mischief, and she felt her head spin and Lauren raised a dark, manicured eyebrow. "Come closer." The taller girl breathed, and Camila obeyed. She suddenly found herself stood inches away from Lauren, holding the material under the warm waft of the dryer, and gently floating her hungry eyes across the older girl's torso again. "You like what you see?" Lauren whispered in Camila's ear, and the smaller girl nodded, licking her lips like a ravenous animal. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

       "Well, well, well! If only I had my camera this time!" A loud voice suddenly exclaimed, and both girls jumped out of their skin in shock, whipping around to the source of the noise by the door.



Author's Notes- Oh my god, isn't Lauren cheeky in this chapter! What do you guys think? And as always, Lucy has to come along and ruin it! I actually really enjoyed writing this... ugh... could you imagine if this happened to you and your crush? Anyway, hope everyone is well and enjoying the story! <3
Em :)

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