Chapter 12- Silver Linings

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Camila gasped in shock. One of Lauren's perfect, green eyes was tainted by a deep purple bruise.

"Lauren! You've got a black eye!" Camila shouted, gazing in fear as the older girl walked forward slowly, with a faint smile across her face, and sat on a seat by the bedside. An awkward silence hung over the bed once again as Lauren and Camila just gazed at one another.

"Well this is awkward!" Normani giggled, staring at the two girls who were infatuated by one another. "Everyone, shall we go and grab some snacks from the vender down the corridor?" The dark eyed girl chuckled, and Camila nodded in appreciation as her friends and family stood up and wandered down the corridor, Sofia skipping merrily at the front, and Sinu glancing across her shoulders to shoot Camila perplexed stare. Why did her daughter need to be alone with that girl? She never even knew she was friends with her!

"I was hoping you were going to say my bruise made me look hot." Lauren sighed, pretending to be offended, but Camila wasn't in a giggly mood. She simply stared at the dark, slightly swollen mark on Lauren's perfect face. She still looked beautiful. "Camz, stop looking at me with your sad, little puppy eyes." Lauren said, and Camila felt herself shake her little head, squeezing her eyes together.

"I'm so sorry you got suspended because of me." Camila mumbled, her dark hair falling over her face to mask the tears which had begun to swim in her chocolate brown eyes. Her voice cracked slightly as she spoke.

"Camz! Please! Stop blaming yourself... I did it because I love you." Lauren sighed, and then the two girls froze, the words hanging like a bad smell in the ear. Camila glanced through her cover of dark tresses, to see that Lauren was squirming nervously in her seat. This was too soon. Both girls knew it. The words had just slipped from the green-eyed girl's lips... but somehow... Camila knew she meant them. She loved Lauren too. More than anything! She loved her deep in her bones. She loved her from the hairs on her scalp to the skin on the soles of her feet. It was too fast... was it? She didn't know what to think anymore.

"Lauren... I lov..." Camila began, but was rapidly cut off by the tall, skinny nurse trotting over to the bedside again with her stupid, little clipboard. Dammit nurse! Could she not just have waited a few seconds later before ruining such a beautiful moment? Camila and Lauren glanced at one another seriously, emerald meeting Hazel in a more powerful way then ever before, and then, just like that, their eye contact broke and the nurse began to speak.

"Miss Cabello, the consultant and I have agreed to discharge you now, however, we both severely advise a day off school tomorrow, you see. We are still wary of any concussion, as you were knocked out for quite a while! A resting day at home should be what you need, and if you notice any dizziness or pain, you must ring this number immediately. I also strongly advise that you are not alone tomorrow in case an emergency occurs! Are your parents at home to care for you?" The nurse said bluntly, handing Camila a small piece of paper with the hospitals telephone number printed upon it in black ink.

"Sorry, nurse, but I have no one to stay at home with. My Dad is away at a conference in Canada tomorrow, and there is no chance my Mum's work will let her... she has missed way too much work this year already, as my sister had flu in the winter and.." Camila explained, desperately trying to conjure up a solution. However, her sentence was interrupted for the second time in the space of five minutes, but this time it was Lauren who was cutting her off.

"She does have a carer, Nurse! I will look after her!" Lauren suddenly exclaimed, and Camila gazed at her in surprise. "I... I'm suspended from school tomorrow... erm... I am happy to look after you, Camz!" Lauren said, and the small girl's heart exploded with joy, cursing under her breath as she suddenly found herself thanking Lucy for what she had done... it only brought her and Lauren closer together.

Before Camila could even think about it, the nurse was holding out a sheet, which Lauren quickly signed, and with that, the deal was sealed. Was this fate?

As her friends and family bundled back into the ward, throwing her packets of crisps and candy, the small girl closed her eyes for a brief few seconds, ignoring the small throbbing in her arm. One of her favourite phrases was more true than ever at this point: every cloud has a silver lining.


Author's Notes: Hey guys! Hope you're all having a fab day! And if you're not make sure to look after yourselves and appreciate our beautiful world. Also, if you enjoyed this story please vote and comment! Love you all my beautiful readers!
Em :)

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