Chapter 22- Sledgehammer

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(TRIGGER WARNING- mentions of murder, violence!)

      The sudden eerie atmosphere of silence hung over the shed, and Camila screamed as she felt Lucy's body freeze midway through trying to attack the small girl, and her tall body suddenly slumped forward, landing on Camila until the dark-haired girl shook her off with a petrified shrug. Gazing down in horror, she felt her whole body squirm as a pool of dark red blood started to stain her mouse brown hair. She was unconscious. Was she... was she dead? Camila didn't want to look up.

"Camz!" A familiar, raspy voice suddenly cried, and the small girl couldn't register what was happening, as her head swam with adrenaline and fear. Vision blurring, heart pounding, stomach twisting... was she going to pass out? A pair of cool hands against her warm skin, and suddenly, she heard the turtle of rope... her wrist was free. She wriggled her free hand, her eyes vacant, but before she knew it, she was yanked to her feet and carried from the dusty shack in a strong, pair of arms. She buried her running nose and flushed cheeks into her saviour's soft hoodie, and suddenly her heart stopped. Salty oceans, freshly cut wood... and hazelnuts?

      "Lauren?" The small girl suddenly gasped, snapping so quickly from her state of terror that her head span. As her hazy vision cleared, the first things that she saw were a pair of bright, emerald eyes, and then as the world became to focus, the small girl found herself gazing at a pale face, chiselled cheekbones, plump lips, dark hair and curved eyebrows. It was her Lauren.

         Camila glanced around her in confusion, gazing down under a large tree they were both slumped against, glancing from the earthy floor beneath her, to the nervous face of Lauren and then up to the abundance of leaves dappling the clear, blue sky, the sun poking it's big, bright head through the dark branches of the forest above them.

         Both girls lay gazing at the clear sky... they were free. Fear churned in both of their stomachs as they both simply replayed the events... the same question lingering like a bad taste upon their lips.

        "Did you kill her?" Camila breathed, winding her clammy, castless hand into Lauren's, and feeling their souls connect once again.

        "No... no I didn't. The blow was only enough to knock her out. She won't be dead." Lauren said firmly, however, the feelings of fear and guilt buried deep amongst the ventricles of their racing hearts were ones of...  unease. They both knew Lauren was unsure. But they couldn't bare to face it... not yet.

       The girls spoke for atleast an hour under the cool shade of the sturdy oak tree, explaining and reassuring one another of the events of the day. Lauren had spoken to Dinah at lunchtime, and as soon as she realised that the note had been fake, she hopped straight into her car and raced to Lucy's house. When they were best friends, Lauren would go around to Lucy's and gaze at the rickety shed amongst the forest around the back of her house with a sense of fear. As soon as she realised that Camila was missing, something in the back of her head just screamed that she was there. As soon as she pulled up in Lucy's driveway, she could hear screaming coming from the backyard, so she stealthily jumped her gate and raced over to the source of the noise... the shed. Picking up the first object she saw, crimson red flooded her vision and she raised her arms... the next thing she knew... Lucy was on the floor and Camila's eyes were wide with shock, incessant babble of fear escaping the small girl's lips as Lauren swept her into her arms and carried her far away from the shed.

        "My hero." Camila chuckled, playfully pecking the taller girl's rosy lips, however, Lauren smiled faintly, unease still pulsing through her veins.

         What were they going to do now? In an hour or so, Lucy's parents would return from work to find their daughter... knocked out... in the shed.

        "We need to leave." Lauren suddenly crow, imagining policemen examining the sledgehammer, checking the handle for fingerprints... she imagined a policeman dressed in black knocking her on the door and taking her away, to stay in a prison cell for the rest of her life.

        "Okay... I guess we can make it look like an accident..." Camila breathed, her adrenaline fuelled mind racing.

        "No... we need to get out of here. What about when she wakes up? What if they find the hammer? What if..." Lauren suddenly began to sob, and Camila held her pale face in her warm hands, planting a comforting kiss on her lips and gently wiping the tears from her cheeks with her thumbs. They were both messes. Both girls were stained with black mascara on their faces in perfect trails, their hair was wild and their faces were flushed.

         "Come with me, Camz. Come to Mexico. My family and friends live there. We can pack a few things, hop on my motorbike and leave... we never have to see this grotty, little town ever again." Lauren suddenly blurted, and Camila felt her heart skip a thousand beats. What about her family? They could visit... What about the hammer? They could pack it in their bag and then throw it into the clear, blue sea of Central America... what about? What about? Oh come on Camila! This is your only chance! Living in the country that you love with the girl of your dreams...



Author's Notes- Hahahaha if Lucy Vives ever hears about this she will so upset! SORRY LUCY LOVE YOU!!! Okay guys do this is the final chapter of the story... there will be an epilogue coming soon! I love you all please give me some feedback! My messages are always open for worries or questions about issues raised in the past few chapters! Hope you all have a fab day... epilogue coming tommorow!!! <3
Em :)

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