Chapter 17- Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

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The two girls spent the rest of the day talking and... fucking. Talking about everything. About the moon, the Earth and everything on it. Camila had never been so insanely in love with someone... no small crush on a stranger could even compare to the pure adrenaline she felt when Lauren even brushed her soft skin. Lauren ate Camila out. Camila ate Lauren out. They both simply spent the day exploring every aspect of one another, experimenting with different pressure points and a variety of positions, until eventually, they lay panting side by side on the bed, dotted with reddish hickeys, their lips and breasts swollen from being touched so frequently.

       The air was steamy and hot in Camila's bedroom, as the girls simply sprawled on the bed, in complete comfort around one another's naked bodies (except for the small girl's arm cast), watching their chests rise and fall. Their hearts were racing, their cheeks were flushed pink and their hair was a tangled mess. It was in that moment that Camila realised what it really meant to love someone deeply. It wasn't candlelit dinners, romantic movies and kisses in the rain... not to her anyway. Love was raw, love was unmasked. It was fluttering hearts and being drenched in sweat. It was trusting someone like you had never trusted anyone else, letting them explore places that even you hadn't touched. It was cold, it was hot. It was being there for someone in rain or shine.

        The girls lay in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, stars in both of their eyes as they replayed moments of the afternoon in their heads, their stomachs flipping and their groins aching to do it again. Eventually, Lauren shuffled from the bed, throwing on her crimson panties and one of Camila's sports bras. The small girl gazed at the girl in front of her, adoring every contour of her toned, ivory body for the one millionth time that afternoon.

       "Shall I make us something to eat? It's been ages since the pancakes... and all that... stuff.... has worked up an appetite for me!" Lauren chuckled, as Camila too hopped up and threw on a pair of black booty shorts and a small bralette. She wasn't sure why she felt the need to suddenly cover herself when she had been stark naked for hours, however, something about eating in the nude felt slightly uncomfortable to her.

          The girls walked downstairs, their hands clasped... two had become one. It was a beautiful, pure feeling... she had never felt so connected to anyone on such a physical and emotional level. Surely all sex wasn't like that! Surely no one else's eyes rolled so back in their heads that they could see galaxies, and surely no one else could feel such a burning magnet in their groin, willing them closer and closer to their partner.

         Camila's heart stopped. Lauren gasped. What the fuck was that?

         A blossoming, colourful bouquet of crimson red roses in a glass vase was placed on the kitchen table, and Camila's blood ran cold, washing a feeling of numbness over her body as she stared in horror at the random flowers. Both girls were frozen in position.

        "What... what the fuck?" Camila breathed, her heart suddenly jumping into action and thumping loudly against her chest. How long had they been there? How did they get there? Who was it? The small girl walked slowly forward, her cast-less hand still clasped firmly into Lauren's as both of their palms became clammy in the panic. With a trembling hand, the small girl plucked a note from the top of the bouquet, and she let out a cry of terror when she read the printed letter:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You are both sluts,
And I am watching you!!

        Camila dropped the note, fear drenching her body in sweat as she watched it flutter to the floor. The small girl was stood shaking and crying, when Lauren suddenly ran over to the porch, and returned with her face as pale as a ghost.

       "The door was open.... I... I'm so sorry." Lauren panted, and Camila could see that she was visibly panicking, her ivory chest rising and falling at a rapid rate.

       "Why are you sorry!?" The small girl said worriedly, gazing curiously at the green-eyed girl in front of her.

        "I thought I shut it on my way in... it mustn't have worked... I can't believe I let this happen to y..." Lauren began, sparkling tears swimming in her emerald eyes, but her strained sentence was interrupted as Camila practically ran over and planted a strong kiss against the older girls trembling lips.

        "We have to stay strong, Laur... Lucy won't be watching! She probably just wants to scare us okay?" Camila said calmingly.

       "Shall we go... to the police?" Lauren replied, fiddling with a silky lock of the smaller girl's golden tresses.

       "No.... no... we just have to ignore her and hope that she calms down." Camila mumbled, with an unsettling feeling in her stomach, as if in the back of her mind, she knew that she shouldn't be ignoring Lucy's statement. But she didn't want the police involved. She just wanted it to go away.

But little did she know, anger was bubbling inside Lucy's stomach... and things were about to get a lot worse...

Author's Notes- OOOOOH! Bit of a cliffhanger there! If you liked this please vote and comment! Honestly any comments would be appreciated so much as I have had literally no feedback yet!! Have a great day ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between! And if you're not having a great day remember to look after yourself and be good to the world. Love you all my lovely readers!!
Em :)

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